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Post by mat_fenwick »

I should reiterate that in no way I am knocking all the hard work that evidently went into this one, just a bit of (hopefully!) constructive advice should the organisers of other events read this.
Closer to who?
Closer to the majority - which I guess means the Midlands somewhere. As to whether showground prices limit that choice significantly, I don't know.
it needs to be moved aruond a bit to keep it fair and varied.
No plans for a Welsh meet? :lol:
regarding Gaydon its ok as a one off
It's already been pointed out that the displays are apparently static - I had never been previously so the chance to see the museum was a bonus for me. For that reason I wasn't suggesting a return to Gaydon - just that IMO the location had more going for it.
free museum??? Confused
Am I loosing it? I thought that entry to the museum was included in the ticket price last year? Maybe I'm mis-remembering...
it could have been very expensive if you had a car full!
Remember, I'm only saying this from my point of view - as in someone who comes on his own. So The difference between the £7 for non CCC members this year, and the £9 for Gaydon last year is fairly insignificant when spending say £50 on fuel for the weekend.

I'm not trying to turn this into a 'last year was so much better because...' thread. Just that if there are a number of people with similar opinions, it is only right that they are heard. If the things that made Gaydon enjoyable (for me) can be combined with the things that made this year enjoyable - everything in one location, which gave a 'closer' feel - it would be even better!

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Post by Tim Leech »


It was £5/7 per vehicle etc no matter how many passengers for the weekend this time, where as at Gaydon it was £9 per person, which gave free museum membership, if you were a lone driver it wasnt much difference but for a family of 4 it was quite pricey. There isnt THAT many venues that are suitable, trust me I looked into it, they are either way too pricey, too big for our needs (so would again be too pricey) or dont have food/toilets, quite some negotiations went on with skylark before terms were agreed at what I wanted.

The marquee and evening entertainment were also included this time which cost an extra £500, which although a good idea (expecially from the rain) in hindsight next time I doubt there will be a band/singer as it was a cost we could have done without and would have ment us not made a loss as ultimatly we did albeit only by £100 or so, which I imagine was down to the very poor numbers on Saturday thanks to weather!.

I may take on 2013's event but at the moment im not sure, I didnt get chance to look round the cars or spares properly and was worn out when I got home.
Last edited by Tim Leech on Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Des Smith »

Des Smith wrote:Never mind, my Tesco Value BX only used a thimbleful of petrol for the 240 mile round trip.
OK, it was a big thimble, but 44mpg is pretty good in my book! :D
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Post by Dollywobbler »

I think Mat has a valid point - but it sounds like this year was good enough, so a bit hats off to you Tim. I've organised events (in the east funnily enough) and it's hard to explain how hard a thing it is to do. You don't get to enjoy the event - only (hopefully!) get good feedback and see people enjoying themselves.

The reason Mat's point is valid is that I found myself ruling it out for being too far (yes, I'm also in Wales, so could be my own fault!) but this event is still very close to the 2CVGB registers day event, which is in St Ives, Cambs. I couldn't really face two long trips over to the East within a month.

The main issue with The Midlands is cost. Everyone wants to be there because it is central, so it's never going to be cheap.

Sorry, not really offering any solutions am I? :D
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Post by WESTON89 »

toddao wrote:.....................Is no one owning up for the van? Did it drive itself there then? :D

Todd, I don't know the previous history of this van, but it belongs to the Bijou man, Dave Shove. Its also been to the 2CV Register's Day.

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Post by toddao »

Ah, good to know. We need to get Mr.Shove along to our venerable club. I really like the look of that van.

I've got to say: well done Tim for organising everything.
Last edited by toddao on Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Philip Chidlow »

Given that next year's National is being replaced by the ICCCR, maybe we look at a venue in a central/western area, like RAF Cosford (near Telford?) Good access from the North and Wales, as well as being no further for those travelling from the West Country for instance.

And I'd like to add that Tim did a great job. Thanks!
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Post by Tim Leech »

Thanks guys, ive decided against doing 2013, so maybe somoene else will step up for it, the National is the highlight of my "Car Calendar" so want to be able to polish my mudflaps, chew the cud and hunt for bargains like in previous years.

We had 155 cars through the gate over the weekend, which equates to probably 300 people all in, which is alot down on previous years, so I will stick to what I know.
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Post by Rich »

Well I had a great day. :)

It started with a BX convoy with two good mates and there was some lovely cars on show.

OK the weather was a bit duff but the company made up for it. Hi to everyone I met.

Note to self... Must get my rear n/s door sorted to make the ol boy more presentable. :oops:
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Post by Philip Chidlow »

I thought you did well, Tim, but I can understand your decision. I'm sure others will step up to the plate.
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Post by Paul296 »

I thought you did well, Tim,
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Post by Kitch »

I agree in part with Mat, although the location wasn't a million miles away from Huntingdon (which is the last one I went to), at least from where I live.
But the distance was the main reason I didn't go. In fairness I live in the arsehole of the country (geographically, rather than quality of life!) so unless theres a show on the Isle of Wight or at Goodwood I'm prtty much screwed, so that's fair enough.

I remember one a while back at Worcester (I think?). It was the best one I've been to, not that that says much as they've all be pretty boring and staid, and I've only gone for the social side recently. Not knocking this years, as I've no idea how it was. Worcester is certainly fairly central....alot more central than fucking Wetherby anyway!!

How much do Bruntingthorpe charge? French Car Show used it for a few years. That's pretty central too.
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Post by Tim Leech »

Kitch wrote:How much do Bruntingthorpe charge? French Car Show used it for a few years. That's pretty central too.
Never thought of that to be honest, not sure if they have a cafe and toilets on site though?. Worth bearing in mind for whoever does 2013.
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Post by Kitch »

Brunters is a crackin location. Think there were some portacabins there last time I went there (May). If you get bored you can always go oogle the Nimrod and Victor too :D

Why ICCR isn't being held there......beats me! Could even have track action and a drag strip up the runway! :P
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Post by Philip Chidlow »

Having been there I agree, it is a good location.
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