Rich's BX 19TRS

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All quiet on the BX front because...

Post by Rich »

The BX has taken a bit of a back seat these last few weeks cos I have spent bloody weeks rebuilding my Red and White 2CV in readiness for the 2CV World Meeting in 7 weeks time.

Anyway... Not far off now :D



The 'to do' list is still sizable and it's booked in for an MOT in 7 days :shock:
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Warning...Blatant showing off included in this post

Post by Rich »

Woo Hoo... The 2CV is finished after a year of hard work :D

Just the sticker set and a wee bit of trim to go.


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Post by Philip Chidlow »

=D> ^^ ^^ A beauty! Well done.
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Post by Rich »

Well update time on the ups and downs Citroen life at Sadler Towers...

The BX front, things have been pretty quiet... I have been on Holiday for the last couple of weeks (more on that in a moment) and on my return we have had a death in the family so car stuff has been the last thing on my mind.... Untill this afternoon when I managed to steal a couple of hours outside tinkering.

I am still not happy with the BX's lack of enthusiasm to spring into life so I decided to check the connections to the ignition module and the dizzy cap/ rotor arm. The connections to the module were a little dull but it was the state of the dizzy cap that was the real eye opener (I am more or less convinced that these are the original 22 year old parts)... The tip of the arm was jagged with corrosion and each of the contacts resembled a submerged anchor.

I popped to my friendly local motor factors with the intention of ordering said items and was amazed when the bloke behind the counter replied "we've got those in stock mate!" He returned from the stores with a couple of dusty boxes with new old stock dizzy cap, rotor arm and a set of HT leads... Marvellous :D

10 minutes of action saw the parts fitted and the ol' boy sprang into life at a turn of the key... I report on if things have improved over the next few days.
Last edited by Rich on Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rich »

Other fleet news...

The red and white 2CV's resto is well and truely finished...



But I can't say that things went smoothly towards the end. On driving it for the first time after the MOT, the sincro ring failed on third gear (a common fault) so a replacement 'box was dropped in (sounds so simple doesn't it :shock: ). This 'box was worse than the original so that was removed and I took the expensive plunge and bought a recon 'box. This was fitted and all was well... Good job really as 1 week latter it was on a ferry loaded with camping gear and on its way to the 2CV World Meeting in France (the forth one both the car and we have been to).
Last edited by Rich on Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rich »

Don't worry... There is a BX link on the horizon...

You may remember that my good mate from the 2CVing world Charles Vacy-Ash bought a white BX 17TZD estate shortly after I bought mine. Well his 2CV and H Van deserved a rest so in the interest of making savings in fuel, Chas decided to use his BX take his Family and tow his Dandy the WM.

Here we are just joining the 8mile (yes 8mile) queue to get into the meeting...



The Green H belongs to another good mate of mine, Darren Arther and is somewhat far from standard... (powered by a rover V8 :shock: )

Anyway! The WM was attended by about 8000 A series (and at least 3 BX's that I saw). The atmoshere was fantastic... The toilets less so!


After the WM we all headed south to Provence for a further week taking in the Millau bridge on route...


'86 2CV Dolly
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Post by Rich »

...And ended up near Orange...



We also visited the 2CV mecca that is...


All in all our 2CV, Chas's BX and Darrens H travelled over 2300 miles each in 2 weeks with no problems... Not bad for a bunch of old Citroens :D
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Post by Kitch »

Looks like a good trip!
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Post by bxzx16v »

What a fantastic looking trip that was , some great pics and a nice trio of citroens

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Post by Rich »

With the Carb now sorted (as reported else where on the forum) the ol boy has been gathering admiring glances again at another 2CV camp :D

This time we spent the weekend down near Chichester at a 2CVGB local groups camp:



Another 500 miles done in one weekend with no problems :D

Well only one problem... With all this use, the miles are racking up. It went over 41000 you know on the way there :roll:
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Post by Rich »

Update time....

Erm... Not much to report really. Normal boring reliable daily hack stuff. Untill this weekend that is :)

Today was the annual 2CVGB Raid Tan Hill which is the highest pub in England (the 2CV lot have Raids to the Highest Pubs in England, Wales and Scotland on three consecutive weekends in January).

We (the Sadler Family, Vacy-Ash Family, Matt (Stinkwheel) Smith and ,good mate from 2CVGB, John) decided to make a weekend of it staying in Thwait and gate crashing with a trio of BX's.

470ish mucky-miles-in-a-couple-of-days later and the BX completed the round trip from Northamptonshire to North Yorkshire and back with no problems.





At The Tan Hill Inn:



Last edited by Rich on Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rich »

There's no time to rest though as hopefully it will be off to Somerset next weekend to tow back the Red n White 2CV after a spot of accident repair work (don't ask!) collect our new toy at the same time... More news soon :D
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Post by Dollywobbler »

Tut tut. I hope Mr Vacy-Ash will be in a 'proper' Citroen next weekend for the Welsh run! :P

Another nice selection of BX group shots though. The 30th birthday celebrations are going well already!
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Post by Tim Leech »

Glad to see the St Tropez still going strong although it could do with one of my valets :wink:
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Post by Stinkwheel »

Nice piccies Rich :)

Good weekend was had by all :)

And Tim, you are absolutely and totally correct, but in my defence, Rich did witness me washing my AX GT the other day :shock:
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