Mickys blogalog

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Re: Mickys blogalog

Post by Dollywobbler »

You know, I think I'd rather go Ford Galaxy/VW Sharan (ha what a name!)/Seat Alhambra if I wanted to shift folk about. I'd be very wary of the Pug 807/C8 as I've heard some right horror stories. Galaxy is of an older era - though you could have to cast about a bit for one that hasn't been driven into the ground. Similarly, Peugeot 806/Synergie/Ullyse also of a simpler era but very spacious. Buy Phil Chidlow's!
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Re: Mickys blogalog

Post by Mickey taker »

gone back to volvo's and bought a nice 2001 (51) plate V70 2.4 turbo seven seat estate, just done 1000,000 miles , full history and cambelt done , quite pleased with it at the moment and have a buyer for the 106
1991 BX Meteor 1.6

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Re: Mickys blogalog

Post by Mickey taker »

ooo look at me with 2,500 posts :D
1991 BX Meteor 1.6

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Re: Mickys blogalog

Post by mat_fenwick »

Mickey taker wrote:just done 1000,000 miles , full history
Blimey, the service book must be like War and Peace!

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Re: Mickys blogalog

Post by Mickey taker »

Oops where did that extra "0" come from 100,000 miles
1991 BX Meteor 1.6

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Re: Mickys blogalog

Post by Mickey taker »

Sold the 106 last week for 50 quid less than I paid for it, loads of interest,sold to the second viewer after a polish lad drove over from Oxford and was very surprised when I refused his offer of 300 quid, ah well it was his petrol he wasted and a two hour return trip, so now the 406 is my daily, proving to be very economical as well
1991 BX Meteor 1.6

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Re: Mickys blogalog

Post by Mickey taker »

Had some good news this week,
The two little lads some of you have met who we are looking after have now had there coury case and they shoukd be living with us until there 18 all being well,
Also got the results of my spinal scan at last.
The doc was worried I had spinal cancer (my mum died of it ) or maybe osteoporosis
Turns out I have one slipped disc and a torn one plus dehydration of the discs whatever that is
The torn disc may require surgery but the outcome is much better then the origional diagnosis
1991 BX Meteor 1.6

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Re: Mickys blogalog

Post by vulgalour »

My Dad has similar back issues. From what I can gather, slipped, torn and dehydrated discs are best treated as soon as possible to increase the chance of recovery. Left untreated, they can become untreatable, particularly the dehydrated disc, and gets very painful. Dad did the typical man thing of leaving it longer than he ought and now he's on disability and pretty potent painkillers most days.
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Re: Mickys blogalog

Post by mat_fenwick »

Good to hear it's better than feared Mick :) There's something not quite right with mine too, but I got so tired of being fobbed off with more drugs every time I wanted a scan I just let it drop.

1993 1.9 TZD Turbo Estate
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Re: Mickys blogalog

Post by Mickey taker »

despite what a lot of G.P's say they do have the power to send you for a scan themselves and do not have to do it via hospitals, mine was done by a private health care company but at no expense to me which was a bonus
1991 BX Meteor 1.6

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Re: Mickys blogalog

Post by Caffiend »

That's really good news about the boys Mick, they're lovely lads. More importantly (:lol:) does that mean they can go to school locally now so you can acquire a BX again and return to us on the dark side?

Sorry to hear about your back but very glad it's not as bad as feared, hope you don't have to wait too long to get it sorted.
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Re: Mickys blogalog

Post by Mickey taker »

Found out this morning that we are Still not allowed to move schools until September which is not in the boys best interests so we are going to fight that decision
1991 BX Meteor 1.6

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Re: Mickys blogalog

Post by Mickey taker »

Took the volvo for a health check this week,
nearly gave me a heart attack
prices are at least including fitting lol

back box ( nothing wrong with it ) £391.80 ( ebay £159.00 )
leak from gearbox sump pan £450.00 ( funny that , I have just had the gear oil changed and no leak was found )
both inner steering arms have play £424.80 ( ebay parts £49.00 the pair )
thank god for independant garages you can trust to do the work your not able to
1991 BX Meteor 1.6

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Re: Mickys blogalog

Post by Mickey taker »

My mechanic checked the car over today, replaced the brake fluid and did his own health check.
His verdict volvo main dealers are money grabbing w+@kers.
the only job that needs doing by the next mot are the steering arms.
Backbox is fine, p.a.s.pump and reservior do not leak, just needed a wipe,autobox sump does not have a leak
Volvo bill would have been 2,500, his bill for changing tje brake fluid and bleeding the brakes 60 quid .
Got a set of alloys with part worns off ebay (6mm each tyre ) for 100 quid, alloys in really good nick and nicer design than mine, round my way s part worn tyre is 40 quid bargain!!!!!
1991 BX Meteor 1.6

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Re: Mickys blogalog

Post by Mickey taker »

Back from me hols in Yorkshire,
Fulfilled an ambition by going to Goathland whete aot of Heartbeat and some of Harry Potter was filmed.
Volvo performed perfectly six up and with the roof box crammed full,
Didnt see a dingle B.X. though are there none in North East Yorkshire ?
1991 BX Meteor 1.6

light travels faster than sound, thats why you look intelligent and then you spoil it all by opening your mouth !!!!!