The TXD Turbot trouncer

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Re: The TXD Turbo rocket

Post by citsncycles »

Sounds like the blower has same issue mine did - there's a connector on mine that sits in front of the blower housing and that needed cleaning to make it work at all. I now just have to make it work at all speed settings...
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Re: The TXD Turbo rocket

Post by saintjamesy89 »

The GT's blower only works on full whack, and the temperature slider doesn't adjust the temp. Is there a cable that may have come off of the back?

Since the blower on the TXD has started working again, id swear it blows more. A mystery eh? Be interesting to see what's going on when I take a look.
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Re: The TXD Turbo rocket

Post by citsncycles »

I've been told that there are contacts on the speed slider on the Mk1's that often respond well to a strip and clean. I've not done mine yet because the whole dash will be coming out this summer and as it works on full I'll live with it until then, when I'll sort the whole lot out in 1 go
Mike Sims
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Re: The TXD Turbo rocket

Post by saintjamesy89 »

Got a little update for everyone. The BX has been in the garage since Monday, so far Richard - who is the chap who owns and runs the garage with his wife. The garage is East side garage, hydraulic specialist but usually does PSA general stuff - has sorted the LHM leak. Apparently it was something to do with the front height corrector dust cover and nearest pipe?

The issue has been with the wheel bearings, it took the bloke 3 hours to remove the busted side's hub and he had top use a hydraulic tool of some description (press?).Apparently its very difficult to tell which bearing is shot due to the design on the BX, a double roller somethingorother. So I now have two new bearings, but the busted one's hub wouldn't tighten back up because previously the driveshaft to hub bolts (not clear with this bit, don't know anything about driveshafts or hubs) have been mangled when the new CV boots were put on. So, it needs a new driveshaft too.

Can't remember if they said they were doing the anti roll bar link as well or not, I said not originally as we had to wait a day for delivery of the part, but as it will be there for 3 days now they may do it. It was included in the rough price breakdown I asked of so I guess they've done it.

Going to be about £340 apparently. That's on trade labour prices too, i'm very impressed with the blokes BX knowledge, we had a good chat about them, and he wants to see my GT and asked would I let him MOT it etc, he wasn't so keen to do the exhaust manifold gasket though but he hasn't got a choice!
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Re: The TXD Turbo rocket

Post by Dollywobbler »

I don't think it took me 3 hours to remove a hub from my BX and I hadn't got a clue what I was doing...

You do need a press to put the new bearing in, and the old one needs smashing out with a hefty dose of violence. I let my garage do that bit. It's rubbish that you can't tell which one is gone though - I mucked it up by guessing incorrectly but when I actually span the dodgy bearing, it was pretty obvious that it was knackered. I think the dragging caliper that side had led me astray as I couldn't spin the wheel enough to test it until I'd taken the caliper off (that got replaced by a recon one).
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Re: The TXD Turbo rocket

Post by saintjamesy89 »

Got her back, £389.00 later...

ARB drop link, two wheel bearings, a driveshaft and front height corrector membrane and dust cover replaced with new bits. Richard (the garage owner and BX knowledge fountain) commented on it's condition being really quite good, apart from the little bits of rust, and apparently the drivers front caliper's handbrake mechanism has a spring on it to stop it binding/improve handbrake workings.

Has made quite a difference. It's quieter, no clunks or grinding and smoother too. Can't wait to get back in it, i've been having lifts with a work colleague that has a severely lowered MK3 golf GTi with a massive straight through exhaust... Uncomfortable is an understatement, but at least I could get to work - so i'm grateful.
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Re: The TXD Turbo rocket

Post by mat_fenwick »

I'd agree that it should be possible to tell which bearing has failed, so that's a bit of a puzzle. It is possible for a bearing to be noisy without any evident play, but then you'd expect the noise to be greater depending on bends depending on which direction. If the reason for failure was simply wear (rather than heat damage from say binding brakes) then it's likely the other wouldn't have been too far behind anyway.

I wonder whether the old driveshaft (if loose) was causing a bit of vibration. Hope you get better life out of your drop links than I did - one failed after 2k miles exactly a month to the day after fitting it!


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Re: The TXD Turd rocket

Post by saintjamesy89 »

It was a loverley sunny day here down south, so I got the polishing kit out! It was a bit chilly, but as soon as I got buffing I was fine. Getting up close and personal with the paintwork in this car was interesting, it has had paint slapped on in the past, very badly so. The passenger side bottoms of both doors are pale and dull, you can almost see how thin the paint is there, same goes for the rear wheel arch covers and the bumpers. The bumpers are quite awful up close, i'd like to have em off and paint them up in the summer (after the GT is OTR), also i'll see if I can get some of the metal striping as that's dented, painted and generally knackered. But, if you stand back it doesn't look bad, and I really like the colour, especially in the sun. Towbar will have to come off at some point too, it's ugly and quite heavy I imagine.

So I gave it a good clean, as you can see.






Next I polished and waxed it, I didn't take photo's post-wax as we had to hurry off to the memorial of our late tenant, which turned out to be a momentarily sad, but mostly fun and positive occasion :)





I wanted to clean all the glass with my special stuff, and sort the black plastics with more, albeit slightly different, special stuff - but I ran out of time. So i'll see if it isn't dark/raining an evening this week.
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Re: The TXD Turd rocket

Post by Paul296 »

Well, it's looking good in the photos Tom . . . well done =D> ( ye olde 'vert triton' is a lovely colour!) 8)
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Re: The TXD Turd rocket

Post by mat_fenwick »

Given the price of genuine Citroen accessories, you might want to sell the towbar on eBay! It will probably also have the proper wiring kit too, which plugs in behind the N/S rear light - rather than a cheap and cheerful universal kit spliced in with Scotchlocks. More £££!

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Re: The TXD Turd rocket

Post by Dollywobbler »

I would be very interested in a genuine wiring kit. I have a towbar though.
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Re: The TXD Turbot trouncer

Post by saintjamesy89 »

Not much happening on the TXD front, except this.



Some twat last night must have hit it, said undesirable person would have had to actually drove into it (as in steered into it and made an effort to hit it) as it was parked on the road, which is straight all the way up. There isn't a driveway opposite, but 1 door down there is, so i'll be keeping my eye out for any bumpers that are green and shouldn't be. Quite pissed off about it, the door will open, but takes a lot of effort to close and I very much doubt the window will wind down. I'll try and pull the dent out tomorrow, but its creased in places and the paint has been broken and will flake off. Will probably need a new door, with this and me breaking my laptop screen last night (amongst all the other bills and things needing money) the GT will have to wait.

I wished they'd hit the other side, this was the best door on the car. The other side in the same place has awful paint.
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Re: The TXD Turbot trouncer

Post by Dollywobbler »

It's that sort of thing that made me move to a detached place in the middle of nowhere. What arseholes. :(
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Re: The TXD Turbot trouncer

Post by Caffiend »

:( - that would definitely make me cry. Such a pain, hope you manage to get it resolved.
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Re: The TXD Turbot trouncer

Post by Paul296 »

Dollywobbler wrote: arseholes. :(
Well, I can think of a few other words, but best not uttered in polite company! If that was one of my cars I'd be seeking psychotherapeutic counselling right now! :(

I have a door you can have for a few bob Tom as and when you need it.