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Tell us about life with your BX, or indeed life in general!
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Philip Chidlow
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Post by Philip Chidlow »

It's been a while, and to be honest not much of general interest has happened. The Ulysse has acquitted itself well, moving a few items - wardrobes, white goods etc. - while we do some sorting of our house. I'm off in the tip with it tomorrow and really, as a utilitarian item, that 'bus' does a good job. I'd love it to have been a Citroen Synergy, but now we've got to know its foibles and as it's running so well now, I think it'd be daft to change just for a badge's sake.

Fitted a K&N filter to the BX, the old paper one needed replacing so I thought, why not? I have a set of new bosch plugs and along with new leads next service should help keep the engine - which is great - in good running order. I will maintain the tradition of using only the best synthetic - is Castrol Magnatec synthetic?

*EDIT* It's not... it's semi.

Must dash.
• 1992 Citroen BX TZD Turbo Hurricane
• 2006 Xsara Picasso 1.6 16v
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Post by Philip Chidlow »

Found a couple of picks of my old GTi auto which I sold on in 2006. Miss her, although I did see it when it was in the keep of AndyG. In some respects that car was the best BX I've ever owned. But the GTi auto I have now comes close - shame it doesn't have air con (mind you Dave, the previous owner wouldn't have ley me have it if it did!),,,

Anyway: pics circa 2005:

The white BX GTi is RLO... which has been around the club a bit since...

If anything highlights the beauty of the BX it's the first of these:


• 1992 Citroen BX TZD Turbo Hurricane
• 2006 Xsara Picasso 1.6 16v
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Post by Philip Chidlow »

Been tied up with work, domestic responsibilities and the BXagon, so have somewhat neglected this blog.

Random pet hate: Why do I ALWAYS type 'form' instead of 'from'? How frikkin annoying is that! And 'it's' instead of 'it'd'. I need electric shock therapy grrr. :evil:

Anyway: not much to report except my little girl, Phoebe is celebrating her 5th birthday this Saturday so I have to sort that out. (I enjoy it really... :? )...

However, I do want to do some work on the BX over the coming weeks. Not least finally secure those alloys I've been after. As described to Tim a few days ago, I want to put a new battery, plugs, HT leads on, possibly dizzy cap and arm - maybe new coil pack do an oil change (fully synthetic - it's had it all its life) and change the ATF. Then, if the issue continues with the rough idle when holding it in drive (not a major thing but everything else is so good I want to sort it), I will get a specialist to look at that.

I'm going to rewire the headlights to give them more oomph and I need to get the rear number plate lights working - they steadfastly refuse to at the moment.

Then, I'll get both rear arms thoroughly checked, along with height correctors, doseur valves and accumulator sphere and whatever else I can think of as the ride over potholes isn't as brilliant as it should be - but I am being pernickity. Thing is, I want it as sorted as possible for next year.

It is a loverrrly car though. Happy chappy :D
• 1992 Citroen BX TZD Turbo Hurricane
• 2006 Xsara Picasso 1.6 16v
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Post by Tim Leech »

Whatever happened to RLO PHil? Havent seen it for a bit?
Lots of Motors, mostly semi broken....
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Post by Philip Chidlow »

I think it went to Arctic? or it might've been Stewart (Oily)??? can't remember. I think it suffered when some pondlife tried to steal it.

Maybe, Tim you could start an APB for cars thread...?

• 1992 Citroen BX TZD Turbo Hurricane
• 2006 Xsara Picasso 1.6 16v
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Post by Tim Leech »

Thats a good idea, and easy way to check as we know is via the DVLA website which will tell you when it was last taxed, or they still have the reg on file, if not its been destroyed. Sadly a few of my old BXs are now "vehicle not found on database"

Click vehicle enquiry.

My very first BX and all my late father 3 have all since been turned into bean cans by the looks of it :cry:
Lots of Motors, mostly semi broken....
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Post by Philip Chidlow »

Saturday night. Forced out of my bed by a rather sweet 5-yr old daughter who just has to hug her Mum. OK by me, I guess as I get to sleep on our largest sofa which is, in all fairness no less comfortable than our bed. Just realised it's post-clocks back so not too bad: should get a fair few hours solitary kip.

I've been busying myself on BXagon things recently, but have made the Earth-shattering (NOT!) decision to leave all of that out of my blog and concentrate on other things.

But before that (:roll: ), I must say,when dealing with individuals or approaching institutions etc. saying that you are doing something for charity means you somehow can adopt a more pesterly (if only such a word existed!) attitude.

Long may it continue. And as such I make no excuses for becoming the BX Club charity bore.

So there! :lol:
• 1992 Citroen BX TZD Turbo Hurricane
• 2006 Xsara Picasso 1.6 16v
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Post by Philip Chidlow »

Oh, and another thing: Where the f*** is everyone tonight??? :lol:
• 1992 Citroen BX TZD Turbo Hurricane
• 2006 Xsara Picasso 1.6 16v
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Post by Philip Chidlow »

Celebrating my first 1000 miles in the GTi I'm planning some work:

I've already replaced the air filter with a new K&N.

Rear arm bearing(s), rear spheres (check front spheres too) regass or change), height correctors clean and grease, new front struts and return pipes, new accumulator sphere, new battery, oil service, new plugs (split/three pronger types), LHM change, new bulbs, fix rear number plate lights, repair or fit new brake wear sensor on n/s (I think!), new brake pads, new front flexis if neccessary, and a new stereo to cap it off.

That's my Xmas present sorted then :D 8)

Next year it's alloys, (hopefully!), sunroof deflector (again hopefully! Vanny?!), and so on....
• 1992 Citroen BX TZD Turbo Hurricane
• 2006 Xsara Picasso 1.6 16v
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Post by Way2go »

Philip Chidlow wrote:repair or fit new brake wear sensor on n/s (I think!), new brake pads,

:?: The sensor is just a simple wire assembly that comes new with each of the new front brake pads.

Not too sure why you mention this but if the dashboard light is flickering, then your pads need replacing soon or you'll be grinding metal backing against the disc. :?
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Post by mat_fenwick »

The worst 'repair' I saw on a brake wear sensor was carried out with some cable snips... :shock:

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Post by Philip Chidlow »

I think the wire's chafing somewhere, maybe as the pads still have wear in them, but as I'm changing them anyway it should be OK. I don't think I meant reapir (!) I got muddled I sort of meant replace... :roll: :?

Either way my expert/specialist will do it for me as with brakes (and most other things TBH) I'd much rather he did it than me!
• 1992 Citroen BX TZD Turbo Hurricane
• 2006 Xsara Picasso 1.6 16v
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1992 TZD Turbo - Bluebell - SORN
1992 TZD Turbo Estate - SORN
1991 Gti 16V - Blaze - crash damaged, will get repaired - SORN
1990 Gti 8Valve SOLD - looks like it's been scrapped
2002 Mini Cooper S - SOLD - i miss this car
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Post by MULLEY »

Blimey Phil, even i managed to change some front brake pads this year, quite easy if a tad fiddly, but leave plenty of time & have a cuppa & job done, saved myself just in labour alone £35 plus vat, hehe....
2002 C5 2.0 HDI Estate - Jasmine - Now SORN
2011 Mini Cooper D Clubman - SOLD
2016 Mercedes A180D Sport - Auto refinement
1992 TZD Turbo - Bluebell - My daily
1991 Gti 16V - Blaze - crash damaged, will get repaired.
1990 Gti 8Valve SOLD - looks like it's been scrapped
2002 Mini Cooper S - SOLD - i miss this car
1992 TXD - Scrapped in March 2014
1988 CX 25 GTI Turbo2 - SORN
1996 - AX Memphis 1.5D - Dream - SORN

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Post by Philip Chidlow »

It's not that I wouldn't try - and in isolation I would, but as he's doing the front struts, LHM change, (discs possibly now I think about it) and so on, my time is probably better spent earning money to pay for it!

Anyway, he's not that expensive... and he is bloody competent.
• 1992 Citroen BX TZD Turbo Hurricane
• 2006 Xsara Picasso 1.6 16v
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1992 TZD Turbo - Bluebell - SORN
1992 TZD Turbo Estate - SORN
1991 Gti 16V - Blaze - crash damaged, will get repaired - SORN
1990 Gti 8Valve SOLD - looks like it's been scrapped
2002 Mini Cooper S - SOLD - i miss this car
1992 TXD - Scrapped in March 2014
1988 CX 25 GTI Turbo2 - SORN
1996 - AX Memphis 1.5D - Dream - SORN
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Post by MULLEY »

And of course its winter with lousy weather, so i dont blame you for getting someone else to do all that dirty work :D
2002 C5 2.0 HDI Estate - Jasmine - Now SORN
2011 Mini Cooper D Clubman - SOLD
2016 Mercedes A180D Sport - Auto refinement
1992 TZD Turbo - Bluebell - My daily
1991 Gti 16V - Blaze - crash damaged, will get repaired.
1990 Gti 8Valve SOLD - looks like it's been scrapped
2002 Mini Cooper S - SOLD - i miss this car
1992 TXD - Scrapped in March 2014
1988 CX 25 GTI Turbo2 - SORN
1996 - AX Memphis 1.5D - Dream - SORN

I'm not just a username, i'm also called Matthew.