Talking B____X

Tell us about life with your BX, or indeed life in general!
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Philip Chidlow
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Post by Philip Chidlow »

Buggerama. Punctured n/s rear Kleber on the GTi. Pumped it up again. Wait till morning to see how bad it is. Hope it's repairable: there's 6.5 mm plus of tread on it.
• 1992 Citroen BX TZD Turbo Hurricane
• 2006 Xsara Picasso 1.6 16v
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Post by Philip Chidlow »

Academic now, as the GTI is being broken. I have the wheels, tyres, etc. here though, so it'll need to be looked at later...

In the meantime:

Took the TXD out for a couple of hundred miles on the country roads yesterday; visiting a couple of NT properties (including Bodiam, where this was shot) and dinner at Carluccios (Bluewater) - only just managing NOT to spend anything in John Lewis...

Weather was perfect. A fantastic day out. And the BX performed faultlessly...

• 1992 Citroen BX TZD Turbo Hurricane
• 2006 Xsara Picasso 1.6 16v
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Post by Philip Chidlow »

Thorough check of the BX TXD today. Up on the ramps it revealed it's 9-month old front to rear pipework etc. in gleaming cunifer. In fact, pawing through the paperwork (and there's a lot) reveals that in August last year the car had new pipes, spheres all round, Dinotrol proofing (front and rear subframes), LMH filter clean and fluid change at Chevronics. Shortly before that new brake/pads discs, coolant, battery, cam belt and tensioner, a/c/alternator and HP belts, air con gas, fuel pipes and some other bits and bobs.

So it now has new Mobil 1 Extended Life 10W/60 oil with a dose of Activ8 in it, Purflux filter, the K&N has had a clean, the gearbox now has new Total BV (again with Activ8) and we sorted the throttle linkage stiffness.

All in all this car should have a lot more life in it yet! It's 20 next year...
• 1992 Citroen BX TZD Turbo Hurricane
• 2006 Xsara Picasso 1.6 16v
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Post by Philip Chidlow »

Just come back from a 1200 mile holiday in France which included sustained driving on about 750 miles of autoroute/motorway.

The BX has been fine, but it's no long-distance cruiser in the same way the XM was - or indeed the Green Hornet. It's too underpowered for that of course.

In itself that isn't an issue as it honestly felt as if it could sit at 4,000rpm all day if asked to. But it's not that relaxing an affair! In the end I hovered around the 112 to 122 kph level - only hitting more than 130 on a couple of occasions (downhill sections). It's not that noisy. Well, the engine isn't, but there's quite a lot of wind noise and the most appalling vibration/resonance from the upper n/s rear quarter tailgate/roof which despite initial attempts at remedies has thus far persisted! It comes in at uphill hauls/right hand turns and any time you need some oomph to bring yourself up to traffic speed. I will have to solve it. Either the sound goes or the fecking BX does (you can probably tell it was quite wearing!).

But on balance, the BX TXD estate must be one of the most useful vehicles you could hope for. Four up, boot stuffed with luggage and goodies, pressed hard over 440 miles each way in hot weather and still managed 45 mpg, pedal to the metal.

Mind you the air con has started to make a funny noise/rattle, so must get that looked at; worked admirably though.

Now, XM 2.5 td auto... let's see... lol!
• 1992 Citroen BX TZD Turbo Hurricane
• 2006 Xsara Picasso 1.6 16v
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2002 C5 2.0 HDI (110) Estate - Jasmine - SORN
2011 Mini Cooper D Clubman - SOLD
2016 Mercedes A180D Sport - Auto refinement
1992 TZD Turbo - Bluebell - SORN
1992 TZD Turbo Estate - SORN
1991 Gti 16V - Blaze - crash damaged, will get repaired - SORN
1990 Gti 8Valve SOLD - looks like it's been scrapped
2002 Mini Cooper S - SOLD - i miss this car
1992 TXD - Scrapped in March 2014
1988 CX 25 GTI Turbo2 - SORN
1996 - AX Memphis 1.5D - Dream - SORN
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Post by MULLEY »

I believe the gearing on the n/a's is lower than the turbo's so unfortunately they are revving higher for the same speed. I just sit at 3000 rpm which equates to about 64mph, i'm now used to going this slow as any faster & it's just too noisey :lol:
2002 C5 2.0 HDI Estate - Jasmine - Now SORN
2011 Mini Cooper D Clubman - SOLD
2016 Mercedes A180D Sport - Auto refinement
1992 TZD Turbo - Bluebell - My daily
1991 Gti 16V - Blaze - crash damaged, will get repaired.
1990 Gti 8Valve SOLD - looks like it's been scrapped
2002 Mini Cooper S - SOLD - i miss this car
1992 TXD - Scrapped in March 2014
1988 CX 25 GTI Turbo2 - SORN
1996 - AX Memphis 1.5D - Dream - SORN

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Post by mat_fenwick »

As you get older this will seem more and more like an acceptable speed. And then will seem dangerously fast, and then 'why do cars need a 5th gear anyway?' :lol:

1993 1.9 TZD Turbo Estate
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Post by Philip Chidlow »

I'm now 50. I should, like you say, accept lower speeds. :lol:

I do miss being able to do 80 mph without effort in my XM. On reflection maybe I should've spent the money (and it wouldn't have been cheap) getting the head done on it... ah well. (Mind you getting at least 15 mpg more in the BX on a run has its advantages)
• 1992 Citroen BX TZD Turbo Hurricane
• 2006 Xsara Picasso 1.6 16v
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Post by Philip Chidlow »

Some pics - with the BX in most of them of course!






And what's this? a LHD Austin Maestro!


And something for hooning about in Normandy with?
• 1992 Citroen BX TZD Turbo Hurricane
• 2006 Xsara Picasso 1.6 16v
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Post by Dollywobbler »

I think the gearing is the biggest downside to the BX diesels. I've had a Pug 306 with the 1.9TD lump and that always felt a bit fussy at motorway speeds too. It isn't an engine that sounds nice when revving. I cured the problem by moving to Wales, where there aren't any motorways.

The Saab 9000 I've got now is whisper-quiet at motorway speeds, but nowhere near as good as the BX on twisty roads. Which is all there is around here. FAIL.

Anyone want to swap a really tidy Saab 9000 for a BX TD?
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Post by RxBX »

Philip Chidlow wrote:................................
Now, XM 2.5 td auto... let's see... lol!
XM 2.5 TD's - were only available with manual gearboxes !


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Post by Philip Chidlow »

I now realise. V6 it is then! lol
• 1992 Citroen BX TZD Turbo Hurricane
• 2006 Xsara Picasso 1.6 16v
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2002 C5 2.0 HDI (110) Estate - Jasmine - SORN
2011 Mini Cooper D Clubman - SOLD
2016 Mercedes A180D Sport - Auto refinement
1992 TZD Turbo - Bluebell - SORN
1992 TZD Turbo Estate - SORN
1991 Gti 16V - Blaze - crash damaged, will get repaired - SORN
1990 Gti 8Valve SOLD - looks like it's been scrapped
2002 Mini Cooper S - SOLD - i miss this car
1992 TXD - Scrapped in March 2014
1988 CX 25 GTI Turbo2 - SORN
1996 - AX Memphis 1.5D - Dream - SORN
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Post by MULLEY »

As fuel prices continue to rise, i suspect my speed will start to decrease, at the current rate i'll be rattling along doing a heady 50 everywhere by year end :lol: Mind you, 65-70mpg will be the reward 8)
2002 C5 2.0 HDI Estate - Jasmine - Now SORN
2011 Mini Cooper D Clubman - SOLD
2016 Mercedes A180D Sport - Auto refinement
1992 TZD Turbo - Bluebell - My daily
1991 Gti 16V - Blaze - crash damaged, will get repaired.
1990 Gti 8Valve SOLD - looks like it's been scrapped
2002 Mini Cooper S - SOLD - i miss this car
1992 TXD - Scrapped in March 2014
1988 CX 25 GTI Turbo2 - SORN
1996 - AX Memphis 1.5D - Dream - SORN

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Post by Philip Chidlow »

Kermit got the GS running today. He phoned me up and I got to hear its sweet sound. What a boost! after nearly 6 months of not turning over.

Onward and upward!
• 1992 Citroen BX TZD Turbo Hurricane
• 2006 Xsara Picasso 1.6 16v
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Post by Mike E (uk) »

I go faster as I get older.

Perhaps it's because as I have less and less time remaining, so I am in a bigger hurry.

Nice collection of tanks Phil, where abouts were they?

la BX 16 soupapes: sachez apprecier avec moderation.

It might be clever now, but it won't be in the morning!
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Post by RxBX »

Mike E (uk) wrote:.............................
Nice collection of tanks Phil, where abouts were they?
Hi Mike,
If you like tank's and if your ever on holiday in the U.S. and passing thro' Fort Knox (Kentucky),
it's worth taking a trip around THE PATTON MUSEUM they also put on a field DISPLAY on some week-end's, that link is for the 60th Anniversary (2009), when I went to see the display and a look around the museum it was it 1998 whilst I was working in OHIO !

I also manage to see FORT KNOX where the Gold Bullion Depository is too !
I just managed to get a photo shot of myself standing near to the entrance/gates with the main building in the back ground before the security staff came over to ask any questions !

Unfortunately we ran out of time for a look around the 'Jack Daniels' distillery as the drive back to OHIO was approx. 3 hour's :(

