The End of Everything

Tell us about life with your BX, or indeed life in general!
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Post by docchevron »

Ok, a wee update.
I've not been entirely idle with the beast, but progress has been terribly slow, mainly because I've not been all that well, I'm STILL waiting for the fucking wood I ordered 300 years ago and, has become almost obligatory, there's more rot the more you look for.

I actually managaed to set the ride height up properly today, and equalled it, so it sits nice and square, yay, except in so doing discovered the O/S/F shocker mount has disintegrated and broken off the chassis, the N/S is little better, and there aint much chassis left where it should weld to it, so PLENTY more work with the welder yet..

Anyway, going back in time a tad:
One of the many cab heater pipes, now suitably lagged to keep me warm in inclement weather.
Also now suitably strapped to the floor bearer with new shiny P clips.
BTW, never go to B&Q and ask for P clips, since they have no fucking idea what they are....

The cross braces get welded in under the step risers.
The only one that was a bit of a twat was the rearmost one with the lug on it for the inspection hatch.
Despite measuring the thing up first, it wasn't quite centred, so I had to cut the fucker out and do it again, all for 4 mm....

The remains of the front risers. They were, er a bit fucked aswell...

The N/S shocker mounts and bump stop. Just for a change, they were fucked aswell..

so, much as the O/S:
They get plated up aswell.

The result of three days fabricating and welding. The front step risers finished.

So, in goes the N/S wheelarch.

Then the company kindly gave me a spare 5hp500 ecomat gearbox.
I borrowed the Hi-Lux from a mate, and was suitably impressed by it!

One of many body pillars getting the red oxide / chassis black / smoothrite / waxoyl / stonechip treatment.

It was whilst arsing around with this one that I finally twigged why the body bearers angle down at the arse end. It hasn't been smacked at all, they're all like it, it should have been obvious, but I didn't "get" it until I looked closely at the pictures of these things in build at Plaxtons.
The body bearer is higher than the outrigger at the back end in front of the wheelarch, so rather than cut a lump out of the bearer and weld it to the crossmember, they cut the whole fucking bearer off and welded it back on at an angle to clear it! Wankers, the same body on Scania and Volvo chassis don't have this anomally..

Some more panels fall off, revealing the stress panel (that I now know is one piece front to back) is pulling away from the body pillars and needs regluing with sikaflex. Obviousley both stress panels are sikaflexed to the bus both sides end to end :roll: ... Personally I'd have used hookbolts, but it's a bit late for a major redesign of that now, since I'd have to pull the formica off the inner side of the panels, and you cant get it anymore..

The next pilar to come out will be..... yeah, you guessed it!

Down in the bowels, this is the O/S chassis, where the chassis riser meets the ladder chassis and spring anchor cross member, all of which is, er, a bit shagged...
so, after alot of cleaning up, and some major cuttage, it looks a bit like this :


Same to do the other side, which is just as bad...

The rear axle bed, known to crack and rot. This one was replaced a couple of years ago, so it's not too bad yet, so clean up and red oxide.
I'm the high bidder on air spring pistons on the bay at the mo, so if I win those I'll pull these off, keep them as spares and then I can paint up the underside of the carrying trays.

The old floor goes back down and the floor covering gets layed on top, to allow it to regain it's original shape after laying around rolled up for months.
It was whilst doing this I fell over and broke two ribs, which resulted in rather alot of ungentlemanly verbalisms..

A proper downdraught tail pipe! So it now looks like what it should.

And finally, shiny new BMAC lights, not that they'll look good for long, they go black in about 3 minutes, and are £150 each!
Smokes lots, because enough's enough already!

Far too many BX's, a bus, an ambulance a few trucks, not enough time and never enough cash...
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Post by Philip Chidlow »

Wow, Herculean efforts. Sorry to hear about your ribs, Chris! Hope you are on the mend.

BTW what's a 'P' clip? :lol: :wink:
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Post by Tim Leech »

Chris you are more clumsy than me! except that you just break yourself and fix your cars andbuses instead, I break both!
Lots of Motors, mostly semi broken....
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Post by caroline »

Ouch on both fronts.
Hope you feel better soon.
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Post by docchevron »

I thank you.
Recovering quite well, now in that stage of being desperate to do lots of stuff, but having to hold back a bit since it's all still a bit, er, sore..

I'm not THAT clumsy, Tim, I just get a rush on now and then and kinda dont really think about what I'm doing, until the swearing starts!

Still, haven't been totally idle:
Out she comes for the first time in 10 months.
I thought since the wood was continually failing to arrive as promised I'd pull the back end off instead.
Took her for a spin down the lane, and was hugely impressed by how well it's riding, and how much better it goes than it did when First were responsible for it.

Suitably turned round, the back end starts to come off...

Whilst I could get to the front end , I pulled a few panels and had a look at how dismal it was..
Erm, it's a bit dismal.
The n/s stress panel, should be ally, but was replaced with a piece of steel after it's third major front end collision.
This will be binned in favour of a genuine Plaxton panel.

Given the procarious condition of my back, my mate Gary stepped in and climbed the ladder to drill the rivets out holding the rear dome to the bus.
This panel is no longer available, so the old one will be repaired and refitted.

Unhappily all the captive nuts in the engine door have failed, so it'll have to be de-skinned and drilled to get the thing off...
The rear dome neevr did quite come off, since mid way through doing that, the phone rang, the wood had arrived.
So myself and Gary borrowed a double deck bus and fucked off to Gloucester to collect it, which wasn't as easy as it sounded TBH!

Finally, wood in stock!

Then I set about hacking it into shape.
Not being a wood worker I had little idea as to what the hell I was doing, but the end result was rather good:


Circular saws and routers FTW!
I'll have a crack at the fllor around the n/s arch tomorrow, then I can smother the lot in paint and screw it all to the bus before getting a big bucket of contact adhesive and relaying the diptak flooring.
Then I can paint the seat frames and install them before moving on to the rest of the saloon floor...
Smokes lots, because enough's enough already!

Far too many BX's, a bus, an ambulance a few trucks, not enough time and never enough cash...
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Post by RichardW »

Dedication well above and beyond the cause... well impressed by your work Chris!
docchevron1472 wrote:So myself and Gary borrowed a double deck bus and fucked off to Gloucester to collect it,
Dunno why but that makes me laugh a lot - thanks for brightening up things here :lol: I have a hilarious mental image of a double decker in B&Q carpark with you shoving 8x4 sheets in it. Magic!
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Post by docchevron »

Today (Sat) brings about the end of an era.
After 16 years stirling service for what were piss poor built buses, the final pair of original Badgerline Lances will be withdrawn for scrap.

I'm sure I'll be alone in missing them, but I really will, they were bloody hellfire machines, and since I'll no longer be able to drive them in work, I really must work twice as hard on 132 so I can go play with that instead!

Come to think of it, I should probably update the progress on the old girl sometime soon!

More by accident than design 122 (my second fave Lance) ended up at a slightly well known hospital this eve:

A sad day for me really, silly as it sounds.
Smokes lots, because enough's enough already!

Far too many BX's, a bus, an ambulance a few trucks, not enough time and never enough cash...
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Post by docchevron »

So, things continue with 132, albeit rather slowly..

The back end did eventually come off:
Being modelled by my mate Smiffy:

Which showed up a few surprises, mainly that the brackets that always break up were in pretty fine fettle bar a couple of stress fractures round the bolt holes..
so they get welded up.

Next up, the very bent rear pillars get pulled out so the backs all nice and square again:

My mate Matthew then rebuilt the rear number unit, which looks quite nice now:

With the floor finished in the back end, attention turns to the lower saloon:

lifting the floor covering wasn't easy, but lifting the actual floor was, since it was only held to the bus with gravity..

And lo! The entire floor is out in mere minutes.
Revealing substantial rot to the N/S outriggers, non existant floor bearers, but a reasonably sound chassis until it approaches the front wheelarches, which was largely expected anyway..

Including the O/S top plate that holds the front end of the chassis to the ladder chassis. It's all buckled and rotten, the window welds have failed and it's all a tad precarious. I suspect the initial damage occured when the bus had a head on crash with another company bus many years ago..
All fairly easy to replace happily.

So, the tank will come out so I can get to the O/S front pair of outriggers and replace them with steel as opposed to fresh air..


The chassis gets cleaned up and the first coat of red oxide primer is applied on a cold winters day:


Then we find one of the N/S outriggers is largely collapsing, and needs replacing, so thats tomorrows job..

The one in front isn't much better really, so that'll no doubt want plating at least:

Still, it's easy to take pieces home to clean up:
Smokes lots, because enough's enough already!

Far too many BX's, a bus, an ambulance a few trucks, not enough time and never enough cash...
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Post by toddao »

That really is a Herculean task Chris - a real labour of love. I just can't get over the size of the thing! Its fuel consumption must make the valver seem like a Prius in comparison I suppose.
Good work mate!

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Post by Aerodynamica »


he who restores a bus . . . . .. . . . . . . . winz

I think this project totally pisses on just about anything a car restorer does!

What are you gonna do with it when it's finished? cruise around the bus routes and drive off just as old giffers are about to step on! ragging it away with illegal sequential horns playing La kukaracha? that's what I'd do :lol:
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Post by MULLEY »

I think you should have a ramp system on the back so that you can drive your BX up into the back, convert the rest into an uber camper & then you can go on some mega hols, park up & drive round in your bx :D

I like the idea of that horn though :lol:
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Post by Way2go »

MULLEY wrote:I think you should have a ramp system on the back so that you can drive your BX up into the back, convert the rest into an uber camper & then you can go on some mega hols, park up & drive round in your bx :D
Hmmh, the bus engine may do the BX some damage in it's attempt to go through it! :wink:
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Re: The End of Everything

Post by saintjamesy89 »

I want a Bus, got my eye on Leyland Lynx's but they seem to be about as common as BX GT's...

Hows the Lance coming on Doc? I know this major thread resurrection-ness but i'm quite into buses! A friend of mine has a Routemaster, with original engine and everything.
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Re: The End of Everything

Post by Dollywobbler »

I have unpleasant memories of Leyland Lynxes. They're sodding loud! Much prefer the National myself.

I almost bought a Duple bodied Bedford coach recently, but got over-ruled. :(