Fucking "Drank for Britain"! Jesus H christ didn't he just!
Fair play to you though dude, you went form sober to fucked in 1 second, but you kept going, thats hardcore!
The Levellers is something that will take me some time to recover from....
Barry anal failed to apolagise to anyone else though, especially Todd and I think given the mileage the dude did that would have been nice since Barry was frankley a fucking cock and todd was being nice to torchy....
Meet in North Wales FTU
Stack of Marshall amps....check.
Car that goes....check.
Lets get this shit on and get very
and make alot of noise and stick pins in effigies of CCC dudes!
As for needing waterproof tents Mat? If you're sober enough to notice it's wet, you're too sober..
BTW Mat, at the moment your seats are in Cambridge, as in Cambridge Gloucestershire about 2 miles down the road from the farm (my farm) but on Saturday they will be on the farm (which is in Gloucestershire).
We will find a way of reuniting them with you soon mate, have no fear, they will be fed and watered and excericsed and generally looked after until repatriation occurs!
Christ, the bird doing the weather on BBC news 24 this very second is fit as hell! Bejesus, I could do her some damage! Infact I could put her in a wheel chair!
Duno who she is though.... oh, and we're back to World News Today, how bland...
Right where was I?
More beer...
Jon, you are quite right about the CX titan battle thing, but I'm on Stan's side over this.
Stan's a fricking nice bloke, and the whole way this has been dealt with by the CCC is appaling.
I've mentioned it a bit on their website, so no doubt that thread will get wiped like the last one I created beef in was...
For a mag editor to help construct a letter of that nature then publish it is just out and out wrong.
Anyway, balls to the CCC, I have this place, you guys are actually all good guys, we are a better club, and as Marty (I think) said we'd give eachother the shirts off our backs. Thats special and I doubt that would happen in the CCC. Unless you'd paid £30 for the shirt first, unless you are a non member in which case the shirt would be £37 plus £10 fitting charge....
Anyway, moving on..
The local radio station GWR Bristol has gone to shit.
Since the demise of the last 3230 phone I haven't listened to the radio of an evening for a while.
But tonight I plugged the earphone in and turned the visual radio thing on expecting to hear Late Night Love with Graham Torrington.
Imagine my disgust when I heard Pat or Cat James with "The Wind Down"... WTF is this I say to myself?
Quick text to the bro and the reply tells me that not only has Graham been dropped by GWR but Bush and Troy (the breakfast show) has gone too.
Bush and Troy were funny, and nice blokes, I know them both...
And I liked Graham Torrington mainly because I've listened to him since the advent of his show (before that it was Late night Live with Dave Barrat that had a 7 minute intro theme that was the bollocks) and I quite like hearing that some people are more pathetic than I am! Oh, and that actually it gives me some hope that maybe you can actually meet a female type and have a normal (ish) relationship thing... but mainly because most of them were pathetic losers!
So anyway, the point is...er, the station structure has been changed, and for why?
It's the most popular station in Bristol so why arse about with it?
Because they could.
It's change for the sake of change. I hate that.
Just because you CAN change something doesn't mean you should.
I sincerely hope the guys that are in charge now realise the error of their ways and return things to how they were, although I doubt that will ever actually happen.
I guess I'll have to move to an area where Late Night Love is still broadcast now.
It draws many similarities with First Terrorising Travel.
When it was Badgerline it was great. Small, local, run by people that knew how to run a bus company.
Then it got involved with GRT, became First and the rest is painful history.
Gwr was a tiny local station, and it got bigger, and bigger, to the extent the "one network" or whatever the hell it's called this week is all over the country (just like First).
But is it any better for it?
It's all about profit, and not "for the people" anymore.
Maybe I should be a communist.