What i've been upto!

Anything about BXs
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BX 16v Ph2 - XPO
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What i've been upto!

Post by Vanny »

Well you can see some of the results in the 'no more car' thread!

But in other news i changed my accumulator sphere today, by hand! and thats the second one i've done without major shifting implement! And im happy to report the LHM is bright bright green like the day it rolled out the can, im very proud! This has also changed the cars rising time to pretty much nothing! Can't wait to actually drive her again!

Ive also stuck a lubricating towel on the off side front as per recomendations, i can deffinatley see it working, thanks for the tip!

Also got the garage tidied and a little mor organised, and fitted a 309 rad and electrics for twin fans, similar to the setup i added the other week, but much tidier!

All in all it was looking like a good day till the obvious!