Partway down I pull in and fill the tank and zero the speedo.
The trip was mainly highway stuff for around 80% of the trip but when it got into traffic there was some reasonably heavy stuff coupled with the mandatory getting lost and backtracking followed by times stopped at the side of the road trying to figure which way is north on the roadmap

By the time I get back, sitting mainly between 100 & 120KPH the trip meter is showing almost 750 klms and the fuel gauge is between empty and the 1/4 mark.
My gauge is usually pretty accurate I've found when I do a refill to refill check on consumption and as the light comes on, it usually has around exactly 8 litres left in the tank, so based on this as a rough guide, it seems as though I'm getting very close to 40MPG or 7L/100 klms which to me is pretty good for a BX16V.
What a great drive it was too.
Alan S