Good old parts people.

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Good old parts people.

Post by cavmad »

Went to get a new air filter for the BX yesterday. Clever clogs parts man gets me filter. He passes me rectangular panel type filter. Wrong one I say. He says this is the one for my 1.8 car. I say it`s not and it`s not a 1.8 it`s a 1.7 (nit picking I know). He says they only made a 1.8 and a 1.9. I tell him it was 1.7 and 1.9. He then pulls out another rectangular one. Wrong again I tell him (whilst I wonder what part of "it`s around filter" he doesn`t understand).
Then apparantly I`ve got the wrong engine in my car or someone`s changed the filter and filter box around with another car. Barely able to contain myself I told him maybe, just mabe, his parts catalogue was wrong and offered to check the filters on the helf myself as I knew what it looked like.
Oh dear, Mr Partsman doesn`t want to be shown up and insists on looking himself.
After being there a `mere` 20 minutes and after endless consultations with his parts book we eventually get there.
Parting shot? `You must have the wrong type of filter for your engine`.
I couldn`t be bothered to reply!
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Post by Vanny »

where was this? My local factor (Moparts Smithdown Road) will often seem to get it wrong, but thus far never have, very clever people! But then again i dont have the old school filter!

By any chance is it the same one for the 1.4 TU engine?
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Post by Mr B »

And maybe the Pug 205 too?
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Post by Oscar »

This constantly happens in Halfrauds -

"we've got a filter for a 1.8"
"It's a 1.7"
"No, can't be, it's not in our catalogue"
"It's in your car park if...oh what's the point?".....

I think parts people are like politicians, they live in a very structured, isolated world (House of Commons/Warehouse), reliant on a very few sources for information (special advisors/catalogue), and when the real world intersects with theirs (bombings/different filters) they fail to deal with it very well.

There, you won't find me going off topic, no sir! :)
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Post by Kitch »


I'm a parts person and technically it is a 1.8 :lol: Technically there never was a 1.7. Most A/M catalogues list it as a 1.8, but usually give the engine code or exact cc too so if he was more human/less chimp he might have been able to work that one out!
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Post by Oscar »

Oops. Sorry Kitch :(

I think most forum members are a little like politicians - they rely on a very few sources for information and sometimes forget that other members may be the very people they are slagging off. I beg your pardon.

But I wouldn't apologise if you were a politician!
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Post by AndersDK »

Oscar wrote:Oops. Sorry Kitch :(

I think most forum members are a little like politicians - they rely on a very few sources for information and sometimes forget that other members may be the very people they are slagging off. I beg your pardon.

But I wouldn't apologise if you were a politician!
I have to tell you that Citroen lists the BX 1.769L diesel as the XUD7 - or the 1.7L - in all their official documentation.

So I think you parts guys better try get Citroen right to make them obey your catalogues ...
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Post by jeremy »

I suppose its a case of 'halves go up' so as the cc is more than 1750 the person writing the book who may never have seen an engine puts it in as 1.8.

This is the same sort of nonsense you find in instruction books - 'Leave a gap of about 1/2 inch' becomes 'leave a gap of about 12.7mm. How anything measured to 1/10th of a mm can be approximate I don't know.
