my point was a light hearted 'joke' related to your cock-eyed ideas about redistributing my hard-earned wealth to some undeserving workshy so and so.scarecrow wrote:What is your point? We all know that petty fines such as these hit the poorest hardest - whilst the rich swan about in all their glorious vulgarity oblivious to such trifling matters. But that's okay, right? Because we all see that if you're rich enough you can do whatever you fucking want. What the wealthy need to realise is that their laws become progressively less relevant with increasing poverty. Eventually there is a point at which one has nothing left to lose...
I see the BBC have cottoned on to the growing movement towards Marxist ideals
If you can't pay the fine, don't do the crime. You overstayed, end of! Don't come bleating to us cos you got caught.
Spend some of your time planning your days a little better.

If you are going to try ram your anti-capitalist comments down our throats, do expect some of us (the ones who grew up in council housing, especially (oh, and that's me, by the way), and have worked hard to better ourselves) to disagree with you. Or is freedom of speech next on your agenda.