Dave - its an inspiration to me that photo - working on something similarly classy for when I get Vera through the test (seem to have been saying that for a loooooong time now).
you guys are so funny, its like your own little special place in here!
By the way, is this now the home of 'BX International Rescue'? because im noticing the Madness Crew are in here! Ah, i feel special to have been invited!
Do you think some advertising of the forum might help? i only found it because Mr B kindly repremanded me and explained 'i think its about time you joined!'
I don't know how to tell you this, but I think it haunts a lot of us; it kinda says what we feel. (We must be crazy working on these things) Maybe it should be in the top left hand corner as the logo for the site instead of the front of the two BXs?
Now, as far as 'BX International Rescue' is concerned, I wonder what kind of jobs I can line up?
By the time you're old enough to know it all, you can't remember why you were learning.