From NEC official website applications page - I can't imagine it would be any different in 2013:Paul296 wrote: if we get a stand next year - and I think that's quite a big if at the moment.
"If the application is successful (we begin the acceptance/allocation process in the early Spring - there is no hard and fast criteria but the space available to us is limited, so not every application is successful - we're usually over-subscribed but we do try to squeeze in as many as we can and 'rotate the content' somewhat in order to keep the event 'fresh' each year), club space is free of charge on the condition that participating clubs promote the show to their members (via an ad we send to be printed in newsletters etc) and that clubs do not retail anything other than club branded goods and regaila [sic] at the show."
Obviously we can and will (and already are ) promoting the 2013 show here, but we haven't really got a "special" year next year (I think two 30s in a row might be pushing our luck, although I do have every intention of putting the UK launch 30th anniversary on the form). So it does seem to be lap of the gods.