My Cars: 2003- Passe-Partout 1.9 TGD estate 2005 Grolliffe Tizzydee turbo estate and sundry other BXs and Grace, a CX TRD. 2008 to 2023 - all sorts of stuff, some interesting 2024. TxD 1.9D estate. 'Wheelybin'. Much worse than expected. Scrapped.
Once again the Curse of Gnome hits the poor CCC. Yet another BX correspondent bites the dust (or in this case buys a Golf and sells the BX.)
The last one ran a Landy and the guy who could have done the job, they banned from the website so he decided to let 'em go hang.
Who did they ban? A CCC member (who shall remain nameless) seems to have taken a dislike to me and quotes nearly every post I make....dunno what I've done wrong???
its clearly an in crowd where anyone with a love for the car and not needs be the 'nudge nudge wink wink' aspect of things, are simply unwelcome! You might never know i might once be proved wrong, but i think Tom might be onto something! If you break the mould you can get stuffed
My Cars: 2003- Passe-Partout 1.9 TGD estate 2005 Grolliffe Tizzydee turbo estate and sundry other BXs and Grace, a CX TRD. 2008 to 2023 - all sorts of stuff, some interesting 2024. TxD 1.9D estate. 'Wheelybin'. Much worse than expected. Scrapped.
x 12
Postby tom »
For those who don't already know, I was invited to join the CCC by their then BX correspondent who was trying to spend more time with his family.
Having found that the website was rather secretive, I paid my money and found that not only was there little support for the BX but that it was extremely prejudiced against any post CX Citroen. Furthermore, the high subs were mainly going to typesetters to make an old fashioned magazine, fifteen years after the world went over to Desktop publishing!
Some factions were proposing that this club with 2,000 members should buy a permanent HQ and when I questioned this I was told that it shouldn't have been in the mag. Once I got on to the topic of the typesetting money wasted (>£125,000) I was banned from the site before I started enquiring why a CX dealer was apparently PAID to come and talk to the CX section.
I returned the club insignia with a letter of complaint andrequested a refund. None came.
I did not receive the January 2005 Citroenean (despite having paid for it)but a member left one lying around. Read the editorial and guess for yourselves the member's name that is not being mentioned, to avoid libel writs! I am sure that this club would be happy to syndicate the "Ramblings" column to them (Provided our banner and source were credited of course,) but I think that they will stay aloof and ignore us.
I am a CCC member. Like the website as far as it goes and do not agree about the lack of BX support. The problem is more to do with the lack of BX owning members. The high sales numbers of the BX are not reflected in a high number of members who are owners.
I think there are probably different issues below the surface here. I am happy to leave them there.
The Joy of BX with just one Citroën BX to my name now. Will I sing Bye Bye to my GTI or will it be Till death us do part.
I can honestly say that this forum, or rather it`s users, are the most helpful people I`ve ever known. Nothing`s a problem and Ian and Vanny to name two have gone well out of their way to help me. I think if Ian has any input into the Citroen club it will become a much better place to be. The extent of his knowledge knows no bounds and his helpul and polite attitude is refreshing to say the least. As I say this also goes to everyone on this site but I feel that Ian and Vanny deserve a special mention . I feel like a burden at times because I always seem to be asking questions and getting stuck with things yet haven`t got much to offer in return advice wise. It`s because of people like them that I`m trying to persevere with my BX instead of giving up at the first hurdle. That, for my money, is exactly the reason that Ian would be an absolute asset to any car club. A lot of people like me would have given up ages ago and scrapped their car-one less member for the site and one waste of car or spares source. Keep up the good work chaps, it may not seem like it at times but I truly appreciate your help.
My Cars: 2003- Passe-Partout 1.9 TGD estate 2005 Grolliffe Tizzydee turbo estate and sundry other BXs and Grace, a CX TRD. 2008 to 2023 - all sorts of stuff, some interesting 2024. TxD 1.9D estate. 'Wheelybin'. Much worse than expected. Scrapped.
x 12
Postby tom »
I have absolutely no idea whether your column is any good or not. I do not read the Citronean. I am not sent the Citronean. I have paid for the Citronean.
With regard to your thought about other issues Jaba, having publicly made the imputation that I have an alternative agenda which you would rather not discuss, I regard that as either a smear or cowardice on your part. I have no alternative agenda.
With all due respects, I think this topic is going a bit too close to causing disharmony and in my opinion, if it's to continue, I'd prefer it was done offlist and if possible sorted out.
I doubt it has any chance of being sorted if it turns into a public brawl.
Alan S
By the time you're old enough to know it all, you can't remember why you were learning.