BX Circuit Diagrams - On Hand. Wiring Diagrams - Do They Exist?

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BX Circuit Diagrams - On Hand. Wiring Diagrams - Do They Exist?

Post by BXTASY »

While reassembling my BX GTI and trying to start it (so far unsuccessfully), I’m troubleshooting electric circuits. Locating some components in the car is difficult, especially relays. At the moment, I can't find the fog lamps relay.

I have Ch 12 of the factory service manual, Haynes, and Revue Technique. This scan shows one page from that chapter, illustrating circuit diagram layout on the left, and wiring diagram layout on the right. (Haynes’ electrical systems chapter identifies the circuit diagrams as “wiring diagrams.”)

The previous page reads, “The wiring diagram indicates the location of the components, connections and harnesses in the vehicle.” The wiring diagrams as shown would be helpful, but I’ve not found a source - the BX Project download section has only the circuit diagrams. Are the wiring diagrams available anywhere, or what other source can be used to locate components?

BX Electrical Installation, General Information.  Public Domain, bxtasy
BX Electrical Installation, General Information. Public Domain, bxtasy
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Re: BX Circuit Diagrams - On Hand. Wiring Diagrams - Do They Exist?

Post by Vanny »

There is an overview document of the harness layout, ie where it physically runs in the car, but it is high level and only for the MK1.

The wiring diagram does have on it some key points marked so you can usually identify two physical places on the car and the diagram and work out physical location from there.

It's a simple car with a simple harness, but predates CAD so like most cars of its age there is no harness drawing with dimensions and routing etc. I guess the documents have existed, probably made up by the harness supplier, possibly still in Citroen's archives.

Best way to identify component location it's probably still this forum, lots of knowledgeable folk who've been there before you. As for a fog light relay, I'm not sure personally as I've never had cause to find out. My instinct says in the scuttle next to the rear window washer bottle. But that really is a guess.
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Re: BX Circuit Diagrams - On Hand. Wiring Diagrams - Do They Exist?

Post by Jaba »

I thought I had replied to this a few days ago. Hmmmmm.
Anyway according to Haynes fig 13.35 the fog light relay is on the FLH wing the key to this page claims to show the locations of all the relays. I think this info can be unreliable though.
There are relays on the wing on my fog light equipped BX, access is with the headlight removed.
I wonder why Citroen fitted a relay for the fog lights but none for the headlights?

As Vanny says - just ask someone will know.
The Joy of BX with just one Citroën BX to my name now. Will I sing Bye Bye to my GTI or will it be Till death us do part.