Chrome paint pen for badges

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Chrome paint pen for badges

Post by Vanny »

Over on the BXClub Facebook page, someone suggested a Molotow liquid chrome paint pen for going over my badges on the back of the car.


The results are ace! I know its not the original factory white, but on this test part, it looks really good.

There is a longer review and a quick step by step guide over on the revamped BXProject website
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Re: Chrome paint pen for badges

Post by RobC »

Great stuff! I’d already ordered one of those pens and it Finally arrived the other day, so I’ll be having a go at this too
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Re: Chrome paint pen for badges

Post by Vanny »

It looks a bit running in the pictures but doesn't look that bad in front of me. I guess it's reflecting something in the garage.

The thing I liked the most was that getting the edges right was surprisingly easy.
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Re: Chrome paint pen for badges

Post by vulgalour »

Strongly recommend using some satin varnish over that to protect it. If you don't, it comes off after a few washes. Got pretty good results on mine by doing the chrome pen and then immediately using Humbrol satin varnish over the top. The chrome goes more silver than chrome when you do this, without going milky, and it looks a lot closer to the factory finish. It also survives washes far better.

Those Molotow pens are pretty amazing, they've been such a time saver with little projects, they're one of the most convincing chrome pens out there. I've even used one to dot in rust spots on some old chrome hubcaps (non-BX stuff) which worked way better than I expected it to.
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Re: Chrome paint pen for badges

Post by vulgalour »

Had a dig through the blog, here's how it looks when you use the satin varnish on top.


Did that in September 2019 and the badges look exactly the same now, in May 2020.