Building an air conditioned BX

Anything about BXs
Citroen Sorceror
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Building an air conditioned BX

Post by tom »

This thread has been started in order to assist Matt with his new project. Alan, Bernie and myself have all done the conversion so there is a fair bit of published knowledge about. I would recommend the topics from March 2004 to July 2004 on Andyspares' forum as a starting point. Search for "aircon" or air conditioning posts from me; read my questions and other members' answers which will take you much of the way.
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Post by mat_fenwick »

I've found most of the previous posts on Andyspares and saved them onto my computer. They are invaluble, thanks. I'm sure it will fall into place once I get started on it.
Not sure at the moment when I will find the time though, as I am starting a new job in a couple of months, I have to complete a house renovation and sell the house; plus get another project car into a state where it can be rolled onto a trailer. I guess I won't be watching much TV...
My plan is to have it installed and working by next summer, still not broken it to my wife though!
My main worry is taking out the dash, I'm not too worried by the electical side of things now I have got the fan situation clarified. Now I know what should happen I can make sure it is working right.
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Post by Vanny »

there are only 7 bolts holding the dash in, so what are you worried about! Probably the numerous hidden zipties, the dash console and the heater control module! But seriously we took two out and fitted another complete in about 8ish hours, and that involved a lot of playing and extensive rewiring so you should be able to get it all in pretty damn quick!
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Post by mat_fenwick »

Slightly off topic but I hope it is easier than taking it out on an Alfa 75, took me best part of a day to take it out to change the heater motor/matrix assembly with one from a scrapped car. I almost considered taking the engine out and cutting a hole in the bulkhead as I'm sure it would have been easier.
The funny thing (with hindsight) was that although I had tested the motor before installation - which had died on the old one, I did not test the flaps. Guess what had seized?
I then had to take it all off again, ended up putting the original complete assembly back as it transpired that the supposed fault with the motor was in fact a failed resistor. Which could be accessed reasonably easily without taking the dash out...
So maybe it's no surprise that I have a slight phobia about dash removal!
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Post by DLM »

All you really need to worry about on the BX is getting the wiring and heater controls back in the right place afterwards, and then getting rid of the dash squeaks. But, whatever you do, don't stop the job overnight and have a bottle (or two) of red wine. Reassembly is not the reverse of disassembly when this additive is employed, as Tom will attest!
Back on two wheels and pedal power for the moment.
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Post by tom »

For the record, it was five bottles between the three of us and the reassembly went fine, just slowly.
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Post by mat_fenwick »

Well, I have bought the car - unfortuately the air con does not work (now THAT would have been a bargain) but looks to be at least all present. The compressor has been looped out so is no longer driven by the belt; however it spins freely. The clutch does not cut in so I assume the system is low in pressure.
Good news is the garage I bought it from will check it for leaks before I put in in mine, its not a job I want to do twice!
I have noticed that the blower fans do not spin so am hoping its just a fuse. Does anyone know if they are the same motor unit is normal BXs?

Can't make up my mind whether to keep it for spares, break it and sell the bits on ebay, or put my blower unit in and sell/give it to another enthusiast. SWMBO may want her say in that I suppose...
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Post by AlanS »

You should have two blower fans; be sure you don't mix them up or the sir circulation will be almost totally lost.
I won't bother telling you how we know that, but if you read the write up I did at the time, I can tell you it's easily done. :shock: :oops: :oops:

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Post by mat_fenwick »

Hi Alan, yes I read your write up so I will try not to make the same mistake! Probably make many new one though.
It does have the twin fans, but neither turns when you turn them on. Maybe just a fuse but if the motors are siezed I was hoping to raid 2 normal BXs of their fan motors. We will see...
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Post by tom »

Read this month's Ramblings, due tomorrow for a blower by blower account on fixing heater fans!