This Mk1 BX 19RD estate appeared on Classic Cars For Sale. I expressed an interest, as did many on here, with Richard getting first dibs. He then got first dibs on the 19GT in Northants and after I sent him a PM asking if he'd reconsider on the estate, he graciously agreed and I went to view it. Thanks also to Chris "Ren16tx" for letting me jump the 'dibs' queue.
So, here's what I discovered.

The BX had been sitting in this garage for about three years. Sadly, it had been side-swiped while parked on the road. It was stashed away and a Xantia replaced it while insurance shenanigans ensued. They came to nought (uninsured driver) and eventually the car was put on the market.
Despite being in quite poor condition, I was well aware of its rarity, so a deal was done. Today, I hitched up a borrowed car trailer to my trusty(ish) Range Rover, engaged the assistance of one Mat Fenwick and off we headed, with a boot full of tools.
The car had been stored on blocks, which was helpful in terms of suspension and tyres. This also meant that we had a head start if it wouldn't run. Jump leads were attached and after a few quick bursts of starter to get the oil circulating, we warmed the glow plugs and crossed our fingers! After a few coughs, she finally roared into life, though perhaps only on three cylinders and with a notable reluctance. To be expected - some pumping on the filter housing seemed to help.
Here she is after being eased out onto the street.

If Mat (in the background) looks a bit rough, blame too much red wine and celebrations from winning the local pub quiz the night before... (thankfully I don't drink!)
With the car home, I could take a proper look at the issues. One of the biggest is the tailgate. When it was sideswiped, the tailgate got caught and it's actually distorted the nearside hinge mounting. Even Citroen would baulk at panel gaps like this.

The interior is pretty shambolic, with Mk2 door trims. I'll clean it up as best I can for now.

I love this...

This looks nasty.

As does this...

This really isn't too good either.

Plan is to give her a wash tomorrow, and try and find out what she needs to scrape an MOT. Back end isn't rising up and I suspect the LHM is low. There has been a slight leakage from the rear, but at least the fluid looks nice!