Earl is back!! (1984 Citroen BX 16 TRS mk 1)

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1984 Citroen BX 16TRS restored and now with fully functional power steering..!
1994 Citroen Xantia 1.9 TD SX (Jan 1994, no airbags but antisink fitted)

Earl is back!! (1984 Citroen BX 16 TRS mk 1)

Post by PhilGreaves »

Hi everyone,

Im going to have to be really quick but after extensive work* Earl is finally back and in the garage (due to insurance reasons).

Graham delivered him just before 7 then we had to give him a lift...so..lol..didnt have much time and the light was fading.

But for now....




/\ polished rear quarter lights...


and Graham's little joke!! (still seee you all there!!)

I'll try to add a few more pics in the following days. And yeah i know the plates are wrong and need changing back to the old font but it need these new ones to pass the MoT (old omes were so badly cracked).

*don't ask......i can't tell you as i haven't read it all yet...kinda ran to 3 pages :shock: :oops: ahh well.....
Phil & Earl

1984 Citroen BX 16 TRS mk 1 "Earl" restored sept 2011 and now with fully functional power steering..!

CCC X**tia Columnist!! forgive me for I was led astray..
1994 Citroen Xantia 1.9 TD SX (Jan 1994, no airbags but anti-sink fitted)

Post by Mothman »

Nice. Really nice.

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Post by Philip Chidlow »

A beauty! Is this Mk. 1 season or what?!
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Post by ken newbold »

Looks amazing, where's he been?

Hard to believe now but it only seems like yesterday there were so many of these red BX's running round everywhere. :(
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Post by Tim Leech »

Looking good Phil, very good!

A full respray I take it, done a cracking job, although the sills should be black! 8) and whats with that modern wiper blade! Did you keep the LPG?

Regarding the plates, if you still have rear one, take it to a local signwriters, and get them to make you a pair to match using the old one as a template. Ive done it a few times.
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Post by anaconda »

How nice is that. Its not a colour ive seen before. Most Bx's seem to be the brighter red, or rather ....mainly faded by now!
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Post by Paul296 »

Ah what!? That is ber-yew-di-ful! ^^bx>
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Post by Tim Leech »

anaconda wrote:How nice is that. Its not a colour ive seen before. Most Bx's seem to be the brighter red, or rather ....mainly faded by now!
They just fade, thats how the original colour should look, which is a quite a bit lighter than the Mk2 Venetian Red.
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Post by anaconda »

Roverman wrote:
anaconda wrote:How nice is that. Its not a colour ive seen before. Most Bx's seem to be the brighter red, or rather ....mainly faded by now!
They just fade, thats how the original colour should look, which is a quite a bit lighter than the Mk2 Venetian Red.
Ah, indeed its the MK2 colour which is perhaps more familiar.
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Post by anaconda »

Roverman wrote:
anaconda wrote:How nice is that. Its not a colour ive seen before. Most Bx's seem to be the brighter red, or rather ....mainly faded by now!
They just fade, thats how the original colour should look, which is a quite a bit lighter than the Mk2 Venetian Red.
Ah, indeed its the MK2 colour which is perhaps more familiar.
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Post by mike22861 »

Very very nice looks superb.
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1984 Citroen BX 16TRS restored and now with fully functional power steering..!
1994 Citroen Xantia 1.9 TD SX (Jan 1994, no airbags but antisink fitted)

Post by PhilGreaves »

ermm which one is the modern wiper blade...?!

yeah both plates are at the garage and my dad will pick them up next month as he's getting his audi mot'd there. Graham gave me a number for a place in sheffield that does them. But as he said they just needed to be legal for the mot.

No tim no lpg :cry: just not do-able (the word "condem" may have been used).

In fact can you spot where the filler was? :wink:

i hadnt noticed the sills, i think its just because they were painting it red so....lol.

erm quite a bit more than a respray...there was 3 pages this time then 1 from earliar this year and then one or two from last year to get it ready to go to Gaydon..

Hi ken, funnily enough when we had our d reg mk 1 back in the early 90s there was a mk 1 1.4 at the top of the cul de sac and a mk 2 17 rd at the bottom! Really is amazing how popular both mk 1s and 2s were around here- then again dixon citroen was 1/2 mile away! In answer to your q, Graham Morton and his team have done it all, we use him for our xantia and my dads audi. If you ever go to Weatherby Rally you are sure to see him there in his Type 23 lorry (1940s) that he restored himself. Which i think is nice because we knew he was a fellow enthusiast we knew he'd do a good job. If you're ever in the area ken and fancy a looksy.....

Had a brief drive of it last night. First drive since Gaydon, the clutch took some getting used to. But apart from that brilliant...and so fast and responsive now*! Yet comftable and quiet too. Is it just me that prefers prn controls?! i know it looks insane but when driving i find that everything is where it needs to be and is right at hand. In fact the clutch and smaller steering wheel took more getting used to.

I was going to take some more photos...but its raining...and in an hour my neices are coming round so ive really got to get the house childproof. Or my sister will hit me... :lol:

Thanks for all the great comments, it encourages me to get the last few things done (yes more to do; it needs speakers/grills and a plastic seat interior bit..s..)

more photos when it stops raining...

Phil (& Earl!!)

*BX 16v drivers may laugh at this but speed is relative; i learnt to drive in a Clio dci sh** literally overtaken by a robin once, Xantia td is fast but can bog down without turbo engaged...my dads audi should be fast but seemed..unresponsive when i drove it and felt heavy..
Phil & Earl

1984 Citroen BX 16 TRS mk 1 "Earl" restored sept 2011 and now with fully functional power steering..!

CCC X**tia Columnist!! forgive me for I was led astray..
1994 Citroen Xantia 1.9 TD SX (Jan 1994, no airbags but anti-sink fitted)
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Post by Matt H »

I have to say I'm more than a little jealous... That is stunning.

As for the speed thing, I agree. When I passed my test, the BX 14 felt fast. And it was... Compared to walking. My BX 16v feels slow to me now, but then I have been spoiled recently :lol:

If you ever want a 16v I'd happily swap for one of mine :wink:

Also, for the plates: http://dealerplates.co.uk/
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Post by Tim Leech »

Matt H wrote:I have to say I'm more than a little jealous... That is stunning.

Also, for the plates: http://dealerplates.co.uk/
Matt thats a great website! ideal for saddos, I mean enthusiasts like me! 8) Wonder of they have any for Helix Garage In Chelmsford!
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Post by Way2go »

A superb looking paint job! :D In fact the red sills and red behind the rear number plate elevate it a little from the 'crowd'. :wink:
PhilGreaves wrote: No tim no lpg :cry: just not do-able (the word "condem" may have been used)..
That's a shame! :( Did the installation never get proper certification then? :?
1991 BX19GTi Auto