Crack out the champagne.....I polished the 16v!

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Crack out the champagne.....I polished the 16v!

Post by Kitch »

Yup! In the last 3 years it\'s probably happened about 3 times in total, meaning it\'s pink 93.6% of the time, but I took the BX to the first show in ages yesterday on the seafront along with a mate\'s recently acquired Alfa 75:

I didn\'t actually get to drive it down there, I had the black thing on the end (promotion for work believe it or not!)

Good day though, will probably bring it to Stratford before I retire it for a while.

Not so good is the latest purchase:


Still....we need the room, it was cheap and to be fair it does the job pretty bloody well!
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Post by Dollywobbler »

Oh nice pair! What an absolute riot of straight-edged ruler design!
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Post by Kitch »

Agreed, although I reckon I\'ve found a car that makes a BX look curvy!
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Post by Tim Leech »

80s tastic, if you look at the downloads on this website theres a 75 and 16v on a back to back test, plus a Cavalier and 405.

Looking good anyway Kitch! keep it up! :wink:
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Post by Kitch »

Didn\'t know there was another 75 v BX test, I\'ve only got the BX 16v v 75 TS v MG Montego Turbo one.

That\'ll be the last polish it gets for quite some time. I hate cleaning cars these days :lol:
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Post by bxzx16v »

Looking good Kitch , hope to make it to Stratford myself , don't mention the montego turbo what a pile of s##t compared to the Bx , took one for a test drive years ago , absolute crap :P

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Post by Tim Leech »

bxzx16v wrote:Looking good Kitch , hope to make it to Stratford myself , don't mention the montego turbo what a pile of s##t compared to the Bx , took one for a test drive years ago , absolute crap :P

My cousin had one when they were quite old, quick yes, but awful torque steer and not good to drive.
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Post by citsncycles »

Myparents had the MG Montego EFi, which cross country was actually quicker than the Turbo version due to the latter's lag. It was reliable enough but bits fell off on a regular basis, and the insurance eventually got ridiculous.

Later a mate bought a Maestro 2.0 Turbo, which was a real rocket, out dragging anything short of a supercar so long as you didn't want to go round corners! It fell apart too eventually
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Re: Crack out the champagne.....I polished the 16v!

Post by Kitch »

A year passes - same show again. I have actually polished once before this year for the wedding, so that's twice for 2012. Gets worse each time!

Happily my mate Si applied some of that Autoglym HD wax as he was bored so hopefully it'll last longer than 3 weeks this time!


And now for some beading:

Yes....beading on the 16v!! Enjoy it while it lasts car:


Still have Picarshole too. Remapped the HDi beast though - no dyno results yet, but with the EGR removed, decat and remap it's sound more like a locomotive and less like a Picasso, so happy days!
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Re: Crack out the champagne.....I polished the 16v!

Post by Kitch »

Si's XM:


He won best in class. I forgot to circle the 'no' on the "do you wish to enter judging?" section and was also judged. I came runner up. There were only us two in the class. :lol:
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Re: Crack out the champagne.....I polished the 16v!

Post by Paul296 »

'Crack out the champagne.....I polished the 16v!'

You did what? :shock: Crack it open!? I'll buy you a great big f*** off bottle of Bolly! :D

Looks lovely btw 8)
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Re: Crack out the champagne.....I polished the 16v!

Post by docchevron »

damn that XM is giving me the horn.. as is your red BX, RED.. damn you! Thats it, I must do something with my pink one...
Smokes lots, because enough's enough already!

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Re: Crack out the champagne.....I polished the 16v!

Post by Kitch »

docchevron wrote:damn that XM is giving me the horn.. as is your red BX, RED.. damn you! Thats it, I must do something with my pink one...
Trust me, it'll be pink again within a couple of weeks!
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Re: Crack out the champagne.....I polished the 16v!

Post by docchevron »

but it's RED now! REALLY red.. well done!
Smokes lots, because enough's enough already!

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Re: Crack out the champagne.....I polished the 16v!

Post by bxzx16v »

Very nice Kitch , hope to see you both at the Cxm .
