I'm an ale man myself! Quite partial to a pint of Bishops finger, but my favourite so far has been Bath Ales Gem and Darkside, and an ale called something like potholer (but not that one) or headbanger - can't bloody remember it's name. All i can say is that it is served in the Muddled man in West Chinnock.
How interesting, are they your birds? A college friend of mine partook in falconry with his (very wealthy) dad.
I also would like a tattoo, but I have told myself i'm not allowed it until I have got my 6 pack back (half way there, already got one in the fridge

tis hobgoblin too!) Final year of uni is not good for ones belly...
What i'd like is a
Wisteria sinensis (climbing plant - very pretty) starting on the inside of my left thigh almost at my knee and climbing up my thigh and ribs (front and back) and onto my left shoulder (also front and back), with just a few flowers spilling onto my upper arm. I'd like it done in a wandering, delicate and elegant way - definitely not in-your-face, and in simple lines rather than full 3d drawing. The trunk a few shades darker than my skin (fairly deep olive brown colour) and the flowers pale lilac.
Extensive, very painful and expensive I know it will be. But it shall happen, and hopefully next year depending on the BX situation.