Ok, hello chaps. Managed to achieve some (albeit, limited) progress today on the GT, today is the first full day off i've had for a while and I have tomorrow off too! I won't know what to do with myself, well I will, car bits
I finally bought myself a breaker bar and 22mm socket, I could only find a star shaped inside one but that proved acceptable (although a proper hex will be needed for tightening). After over an hour of fiddling, positioning, jacking the car up a bit, jacking the engine up a bit, I managed to get the socket and bar wedged between the floor and the wishbone so the socket stayed on the crank bolt and didn't fly off as soon as I flicked the ignition. Hey presto! The bolt shifted!
It then took me ten minutes to get the blasted pulley off, I didn't have a big screwdriver nor any bits of thin wood to protect the block, but I did have a breaker bar and a very thick folded over piece of cardboard (previously used as a jacking protection device), the breaker bar handle end wedged with the cardboard between the block and the pulley was enough to lever and wiggle it free. One problem here, I managed to lose the bloody woodruff key! Didn't even see where it went. So that limited the progress for today - but an obstacle has been overcome and I feel I can get on with it now.
The cardboard idea was a good one, just a bit of thick cardboard folded over three times in an 'S' shape is enough to protect most leverage/jack potentially damageable surfaces. I also bought a recess 17mm spanner to get the last bolt of the engine mount off, that was very fiddly, getting the plastic washer bits off the studs on the bottom.
To get ready for the next installment, I loosened off the tensioner, getting the rear nut undone was a ballache, it's a very shallow nut so much so that a ring spanner (all the ones I had were slightly offset at the end) wouldn't fit on it because of the offset, in the end I found an ancient straight spanner that did the job. I also re fitted the cam, but didn't do any of the bearing nuts up as I still may have to move the crank around to get it in the correct position when the belt/pulley/new woodruff key goes back on. Can't check the valve clearances yet either, that'll have to wait until the cam is secured, and the new belt on.
Right, questions.
1. Does anyone know what size woodruff key will I need? Is there one each for the cambelt cog (cog the belt goes around behind external pulley), and also one for the pulley (I can feel a slot in the metal where this should be). The belt cog doesn't feel/look like it's going on far enough either, and I was very reluctant to hit it, should this be flush with the block?
2.I lost two of the bearing cap nuts, does anyone know what size they are? (There is a nut+bolt shop in Yeovil, or at least there used to be, so I could go in and ask, but i'd rather know first).
3. The cam pulley end oil seal was very loose going back on, I remember it being tight on removal. Should I get a new one of these?