Here's the previous owner Udo whose father bought the car in 1989 from the nearest Citroen dealer 'Göhm' where it had been used as a demonstrator. It's got a catalyser and is black, hence : Black Cat

Rumbling homewards

Offloading outside the barn

Just about fits into the barn. Cosying up to the Red Rat who doesn't have a cat and is therefore more of a man! The foglights have been removed and replaced with bits of steel (?).. and finally : I have a splitter of my own!

The line-up in the barn now. Soon the breaker TRD will be totally reduced and and there will be a bit more elbow room. Under the cover left of pic is my '85 TRD, awaiting restoration..

On the way back after dropping the trailer off. These are 'plague crosses' dating from around 1630 - erected as a plague warning ( I think it's all cleared up now).