Andy Weston found me a 2nd hand pipe to replace the one I had to cut, which after some clip swapping (the later cars don't have the support section that the pipe is attached to on the Mk1) went on, although I'm not convinced I've got the front end tightened enough yet. clearance is crap, so I may end up pulling the rad to get enough swing on the spanner.
Next was the silicone replacement hoses made up from a straight length bought from Forge Motorsport Engineering, with not too much kinking at the bend. The GS made quite an impression on the workshop staff there, who added one of their stickers to the collection in the rear quarter windows

After that the flexible coupling was swapped between racks, and the replacement rack bolted in, the feed pipes connected and the track rods fitted. For these, I removed each in turn from the old rack, counting the turns to get a rough adjustment on the new rack. One side had been changed by Ian so was reused, but the other was replaced with a new one bought at Stratford last weekend.
I the turned my attention to the PAS ram, which involved some ingenuity. The easy part was replacing the bushes - especially as one was slightly loose

the tricky part was sorting this out, as the damaged part was NFP

Rummaging through my mate John's oddment trays turned up a short length of brass tube with much the same ID as the outlet, a similarly short length of silicone tube of the same diameter and some 2 pack super glue. The brass tube was pushed through the damaged outlet until it was flush with the inner surface of the collar, then fixed in place with the glue. It was trimmed to slightly longer than the original rubber so that the silicone hose could be fitted like this:

Once fitted to the car, it looked like this:

Hopefully this will last until I either find the right part or come up with a better solution