Cheers, the old wishbones were actually quite quiet, but the rubber's clearly had it!Tinkley wrote:Excellent job, Kitch. I will admit having new wishbone bushes a couple of years ago certainly was worth it. Not too hard to change IF the bolt/pin comes out.....Just need a big F***off vice to press in the new ones. Impressive welding, have you thought of MIG brazing? it might flow better and is acceptable MOT wise and for most structural areas of the car. Just gives you better clean up and flow. just wish you could silver works on my bandsaw blades....
then I might be tempted to start some proper sheet metal work. God knows this wreck (current car) could use it, I dare not clean it properly underneath because I know what I will find - at least the structural bits are OK. Will have to be done some time though, lets hope next summer is decent weather wise and I'll give it a go.
At least the work you've done will see it in good stead for a LONG time. Did it come from 'oop north or live by the sea? The Auto I have is almost rust free on a J plate, just a trace or two at the rear ie exhaust hanger.
Never considered MIG brazing, no. With MIG welding being so simple to do, I'm happy enough to carry on doing what I'm doing. The idea of doing anything else other than welding, to me at least, seems a bit of a bodge as welding is not only proven to work, it's the way the thing was put together in the first place. I confess to know nothing about brazing though!
I bought the car from Brighton, but it came out of a garage in a block and I don't think the guy I bought it from had owned it long. We've got lots of hand-written receipts for various things on it over the years though, so there's bound to be an address on there somewhere. This is certainly one of the rustiest BXs I've ever seen.