Im an old forum member who hasnt posted for about 3 or 4 years. Anyway time has moved on, I still have the red bx 16v (c16vbx) which i accuired in 2001 but it is currently sorn off road pending a restoration. Its a long term project as everyone knows money does not grow on trees and as and when im buying new parts and storing them up for the eventual resto. ( i will create an other thread for this when i get the time )
This particular bx used to belong to my mate whos had it a long time and it has a genuine mileage of just 69,000 miles on the clock. Its in almost mint condition with only a few blemishes that i can sort in time. She cost me £2200 and is she worth it? yes every penny.
I was quite shocked one day to see my mate offering it for sale through facebook as i never thought he would get rid of it and it was only days away from going on ebay, however a quick call and it was now mine although i hadnt planned on buying another one and i did use funds stored away for the resto of the red one i couldnt resist.
Here are a few pics

its every bit as mint underneath as it is on top and fully waxoyld.