Then where I work we have a few lockup garages and one came spare so I got to keep it and gave myself a bit of a project at the same time,
I didn't post anything as I was going as didn't want ot jinx it, but now it's all done MOT passed and back on the road,
up in the spare garage

diesel tank down

back axle out

the rust - and yes the back axle mount is missing as when the axle came off it came off with it - MUCH rustier than expected

The jig I made to locate the new bracket so it could be welded in the right place

Studs hanging down to locate the bracket

The chap who welded it

New bracket in place

An evenings painting with bondaprimer - kurust went on first and sikaflex and then stone chip went on after

Second coat

Cleaned up the back axle while it was out, lick of Kurust primer and black paint should do it, and new discs

Airfix kit of bits ready to go back on, used the pallet with some castor wheels on it to roll the back axle back under the car so it was just under all the mounting holes

Before and after underneath

Back on the road, MOT'd and all running smoothly again, with a slightly firmer back corner!