WANTED!!! 1993 BX 1.9 16V air intake hose (P/N 95636923)

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BX 16S
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Joined: Tue Nov 21, 2017 4:21 am
Location: Rio de Janeiro
My Cars: 1993 Citroën BX 1.9 "16 Soupapes"

WANTED!!! 1993 BX 1.9 16V air intake hose (P/N 95636923)

Post by BX 16S »

Hello everyone!

Wanting a new MAF air intake black rubber hose (Citroen Part 95636923 or 9563692380)... also, can to be a used unit since in perfect conditions

My car is a 1993 BX 1.9i "16 soupapes" that was sitted and parked along the last 15 years on its 1st owner's hands until I bought it 3 months ago - all rubber parts is "dry" and its original air intake hose is ripped...

The car is is a 18.000 kms unrestored one and impressive due its originality and imamaculate condition, but I'll have a lot of work to do ahead!

Any help and advices will be great and I thanks in advance,
