1992 BX 19 tzi leaking

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1992 BX 19 tzi leaking

Post by pdl1989 »

So... there is a bright green fluid leaking underneath the front end of the car. It seems to start dripping once the hydraulics kick in and the car raises, which leads me to believe it’s a hydraulic leak. But I know very little about mechanics, so it’s really just a guess. Here are some photos of the leak:

If anyone knows what I’m dealing with or has any ideas what needs to be done to fix it I’d greatly appreciate it. Most Mechanics near me flat out refuse to work on old European cars, and those that will do more damage than help. I’ve found a Volvo mechanic who will have at look at it, but it would be good to be able to give him a rough idea of what he’s looking at.
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Re: 1992 BX 19 tzi leaking

Post by RobC »

First off, it’s good that the fluid is bright green. Bodes well for the condition of the system.

Hard to tell in those pics where it’s coming from as it has clearly dripped from higher up. If it’s not absolutely gushing out then it’ll be a low pressure return, probably part of the so called octopus. But as i said it’s hard to diagnose from those pics sorry. See if you can get it up on ramps and safely have a good look with a torch and rag to pinpoint exactly where it’s coming from. NB Don’t crawl under a hydraulic Citroen (especially one that’s leaking) without supporting the car in some way, otherwise it could collapse and fall on you with unpleasant and perhaps fatal results.
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Re: 1992 BX 19 tzi leaking

Post by white exec »

The brightness of the green could also be a coolant leak.
Rub a drip of it between your fingers: if it feels watery, it's coolant; if it feels oily, it's hydraulic fluid (LHM).

Dry off the area with a rag, then run the engine again to see if you can pinpoint the leak.
Check the levels, too.
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Re: 1992 BX 19 tzi leaking

Post by Jaba »

That leak is just below the octopus return. Your symptoms are consistent with that failing. The usual failing pipe comes off the LHS( looking up at it) and has a bend which eventually perishes. It can be repaired by splicing in a new section but most would replace the octopus. I would spray the area clean with brake and clutch cleaner and then see where the leak starts from. It needs to be on a ramp though ideally.
Somebody on Aussiefrogs might know where to take it to for expert treatment. New octopii are available from Chevronics UK.

It does look like water though, well screenwash water anyway.
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Re: 1992 BX 19 tzi leaking

Post by Dave_16v »

If it was coolant, it is very likely you would see crystallized pieces as it dries out both on the car and the floor but it looks like LHM by the way it is leaving a clean path. Have a look at the bulkhead where the doseur valve is located, it's what your brake pedal pushes when you brake. There are a few pipes going into that, if you can see fresh LHM around that it could be originating there. You would expect it to travel straight down from it but worth checking in case it's traveling transversely and down. That's a relatively easy area to check.
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Re: 1992 BX 19 tzi leaking

Post by rutter123 »

My money is on octopus.
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Re: 1992 BX 19 tzi leaking

Post by pdl1989 »

Thanks for all the replies.