Wanted: winter storage for my BX near London

Buy or sell parts etc. Please put 'Wanted' in the title if it is a request for parts.
Posts: 589
Joined: Tue Aug 15, 2006 11:15 am
Location: East London
My Cars: 1991 Citroen BX 16v
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Wanted: winter storage for my BX near London

Post by RobC »

Anyone fancy helping another BXer out? I could rent a garage of course, but they’re very pricey round here.
Doesn’t have to be under cover, but off the road as it’ll be SORN.
1991 Citroen BX 16v
Posts: 229
Joined: Tue Mar 09, 2021 12:34 am
Location: Kent
My Cars: Landrover discovery sport 2020
Previously ipace/discovery 5/velar and many others including 2 bx gti back in early 1990
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Re: Wanted: winter storage for my BX near London

Post by Pcheaven »

I have a plot of land in tunbridge wells.
Small area of concrete hard standing for a couple of cars.
Fenced. Secure gate. 24. Hr access. Large grass area if that’s a preference. No utilities.
No one else using the land, as I plan to develop it in 4-6 months

Nearest post code tn49dw

If this helps ?
BX Meteor. Sub 20000 miles. Very Original.

ToDo list.

1. ?G?e?t? ?c?a?m? ?b?e?t? ?e?t?c? ?r?e?p?l?a?c?e?d? ?e?t?c?
Have a GnT
2. G?e?t? ?t?h?e? ?r?a?d?i?o? ?t?o? ?w?o?r?k?.? ?
Have a GnT
3. Adjust the clutch
Have a GnT
4. Clean LHM tank then a complete flush
Have a GnT
5. Wash, clay bar then ceramic coat paintwork.
Have a GnT
6. Replace rear spheres
Have a GnT
7. Replace bottom hose