BX40UK will be part of the Citroen Car Club's National Rally, held on 15th & 16th July (with the 14th a set up day) at Abbots Ripton Village Hall.
We're looking to get as many BXs as possible together for this weekend event, and we want YOU to bring yours along!
In addition to the usual National Rally event, we'll be looking to create a (partially) segregated parking section for the BX model, so they can all be together. The centrepiece will include the 'timeline'; A line-up of cars in age order, with one example per registration mark. (an A-reg car, then a B-reg, then a C-reg and so on).
Supporting this will be parking arranged into four main groups (to be announced later). We hope to have stickers, mugs and associated merch for the event, too.
There will be a parts 'amnesty' area, where people are encouraged to donate any old BX parts they no longer want in the hope they are of some use to another member/owner.
I'll be creating some kind of register-based info sheet on surviving numbers, which will be given to each attendee.
So far, I can confirm that 'Professor Tomato' of YouTube/TV fame will be present (all being well) and will be handed back over to James (aka 'YouTuber' Jayemm on cars) on the sunday, following all the work I'm doing with it.
If you wish for your BX to be in the timeline, please let me know either on here, or by emailing bx-register@citroencarclub.org.uk. I'm looking for cars that (ideally will be there the whole weekend, but substitutes can be arranged), and won't let me down! I can't promise you'll be picked as I want to try and keep the range of colours/models as varied as possible, but condition isn't important - you just need to love your car!
On top of all this, you've got the usual CCC events, including BBQ.
Hope to see as many BXs there as possible!