Fuel Tank Strap (long Range0

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Tim Leech
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Fuel Tank Strap (long Range0

Post by Tim Leech »

Mines rusty and ready to fall off, so anyone got a good used one or even new?

Lots of Motors, mostly semi broken....
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Re: Fuel Tank Strap (long Range0

Post by David »

It might be easier to measure it before it falls off, then cut one out from a sheet of metal, shape it, drill the holes and fit it to the car. With a bit of care, it'll look better than new!
1992 Citroën BX 1.9 Diesel Meteor 4x4 - The Project.

1992 Citroën BX 1.9 TXD (with GTI engine; Mulleys old car) - Parts car.

2004 Citroën Xsara Desire. (Now gone).

2016 Ford Focus Zetec - Daily Driver. (Absolute bone shaker).