A couple of months ago I started noticing small puddles of LHM under the offside edge of the front subframe - thought to myself: bollocks the octopus has hardly been on a year. Finally I investigated more thoroughly after a plaint was made about the mess on the drive (sorry my love) and I traced the leak to.... yes, the drain hole in the bulkhead "cubbyhole" (Great 4 STORAGEZ) where a 1/4 full bottle of LHM had been rolling around with a less than tight-fitting lid Least I know it's only the rear HC that's leaking onto the drive nowjonkw wrote: I wasted over an hour tracing the "leak", which actually turned out to be the spare bottle of LHM under the bonnet leaking. Bollocks!
Sounds like a great trip Jon, but your lack of pictures excuse game is weak