Been tinkering

Anything about BXs
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Been tinkering

Post by Vanny »

For those that know, i coersed my mate into buying a BX from AdamSKI of the GSF forum. Well its had a load of problem so i've been working to resolve them!

*Replaced the interior and fixed the bodged together radio wiring!
*Changed the accumulator sphere (with almost bear hands, without releasing the pressure screw thats how much it was screwed!)
*Stripped off the head a scrubbed the screwed oil off it, ran some diesel through the oil for a bit and the slurry that came out, wasnt nice!
*toppedup the LHM with about a litre of hydraflush, starting to raise and lower very well!

*Started doing the NS rear arm and didnt go well! snapped the rclip (forgot it could be driven through from the other side), strut fell to bits in the process! Anyway, got the arm off, but its totally buggered has egg shaped holes (was creaking kinda bad!). Anyways gonna be up early in the morning looking for a new arm!

*replaced filler neck, old one had failed a lot! Was leaking fuel out a lot when driving round corners!

*fitted new door and front dash speakers!

*sort rear arm (hoping someone can help me with a non abs rear N/S arm)

*fit new front ARB (old one totally screwed!)

*fit new aerial

nothing major then! Wish me luck!
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Post by cavmad »

Hi mate, left message on your answerphone ref. rear spoiler. Quite willing to pay you something for it BTW and could collect reasonably quickly.Cheers.