BX - fitted new front tyres to it and decided to go for Uniroyal on the basis that a few people had recommended them and they were cheaper than the Vredesteins I'd used before the current set of Firestones (again problems with lifespan). First impressions were that they were rather 'squirmy', but that wore off after 100 miles or so. It's always difficult comparing tyres when you're replacing a worn out pair, but am impressed so far!
Discovery - LPG system still performing excellently! One difference between this and earlier systems is that the coolant must be over a certain temperature to switch over. It's perfectly possible and IMO highly desirable to switch over to gas ASAP both for cost and to avoid a rich petrol mixture washing oil from the cylinder bores. Cruder systems such as the single point mixer and the crossover system I had before would let you do that, as the fuelling for LPG was totally separate. With this system running from the petrol injector times, when the engine is cold the petrol (and therefore LPG) injector times are both lengthened. LPG doesn't need the enrichment as it is already a vapour, so would run too rich is changed over straight away.
I think I have an idea though - simply have a relay operated by the gas ECU to switch between the petrol ECU coolant sender and a fixed value resistor corresponding to a 'hot' resistance. The gas ECU has its own gas temperature compensation anyway, as the injector duration obviously has to vary with temperature and pressure.
Van - I've fitted an on board water tank, both for ease of filling (no heavy container to lug around) and also to give us more capacity. I'm also fitting an on board LPG tank to the chassis, which will free up a bit of interior space and also a little more capacity. Plus it's cheaper, I'm paying the equivalent of about £1.60 a litre for the small Calor cylinders, but can get it from the petrol station (including 30 odd pence road duty) for 77p a litre! Possibly I could claim the road duty back, but I suspect I would lose the will to live in the process...
Chainsaw - have got the bits needed to repair it but not started yet