Well it's now been over a month since the last update!

So what has been happening over here?
I seem to have been on a bit of a spending spree, I now have a CB radio (thanks Marty!) that I have no idea how to use. I've done a spot of research but not in any great detail yet. Also bought a new rear light for £7 from eBay (advertised as being for a Citr
eon), braided heater matrix hose, radiator top hose and a rear suspension strut. Although this spending leaves me short for a set of glow plugs, which ironically are what a actually need! But the other bits were bargains, and I can get by (albeit smokily) without replacing the plugs, at least for another couple of weeks.
I've managed to get the mower running again (just in time for winter!) On that subject,
how much salt do we need on our roads?

Round here it's been almost continuous for the last couple of weeks (despite only having 2 frosty nights), I'm getting bored of always hosing out the wheel arches... I'm certain that it actually makes the roads more slippery when the temperature is above freezing - they are so greasy at the moment. On boost it will spin the inside wheel in third coming out of some corners. Never thought I would live in Wales and actually
hope for rain!