Dan's BX Blog..

Tell us about life with your BX, or indeed life in general!

Dan's BX Blog..

Post by TheBig-D »

Here we go... :D Passed my test on 28th Feb. Age'd 17 :D

Got hold of a cheap '92 BX 1.9 TGD

After buying insurance at £1000+ :cry: I got her on the road.

What a car i thought with all the mod cons. Central locking, Leccy windows, Hydrolics the works.. :lol:

Second week of owning it.... It caught fire.. :shock: Yes you read right it caught fire.

The pack of wires leading to the pass side rear light cluster had melted & caught fire.. Causing the boot carpit to catch fire.. Good job i was carrying a fire extigusher.

A few hours later me & a mechanic friend rewired it.. It dont look pretty but it all works. :D

That was that problem sorted.


The drivers door dropped without anywarning it just dropped. On closer inspection the door hindge was rotten.. :shock: That was another job for my 'friend' 30mins with a mig welder and it was sorted again its not pretty but the door is solid & works. :D


Just last week i got in it to got to work and it wouldn't start.. :cry:

No matter how many turns on the glow plugs it just would not fire. Called upon my 'friend' again and he advised me to run a live wire to the glow plugs for a few secs. Then hay-presto she started so we knew it was a problem with the glowplugs. £14 lighter all four where changed along with the spill off pipes which were perished and leaking diesel..

At the moment all seems to be fine. The bx has been a pain in the arse but i'll never get rid of it. It's kinda attached to me now. :D :D

Only one small thing is it's leaking oil from the rocker cover gasket.

It's also coverd over 200k...

But i love it. :D Pic's will be posted tommorow.
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Re: Dan's BX Blog..

Post by mat_fenwick »

TheBig-D wrote:Only one small thing is it's leaking oil from the rocker cover gasket.
They all do that sir...

But it's a simple job to change and will cost you about a fiver. Be careful with the breather hose from the oil filler to the rocker cover, as I believe the original shaped hose is no longer available.

Interesting point about running a live wire to the glowplugs and getting it to start that way - to me that proves that the glowplugs themselves were working and the wiring was at fault. I wonder if you had a high resistance at the glow plug connections and the act of replacing the plugs has cured this. Anyway, the main thing is it works now and you have peace of mind with 4 new glow plugs.
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Re: Dan's BX Blog..

Post by docchevron »

mat_fenwick wrote: Be careful with the breather hose from the oil filler to the rocker cover, as I believe the original shaped hose is no longer available.
They are ya know! And less thana tenner from your unfriendly local Main Stealer...
Smokes lots, because enough's enough already!

Far too many BX's, a bus, an ambulance a few trucks, not enough time and never enough cash...