The 16v.....twenty-twelve

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Re: The 16v.....twenty-twelve

Post by Tim Leech »

Kitch wrote:. It won't look great (paint's worn all the way through in places) but it will look honest. Just got to resist ragging it there and getting it covered in bugs and grime :lol:

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Re: The 16v.....twenty-twelve

Post by mat_fenwick »

I've ordered mine from here:" onclick=";return false;

The last set I bought were very cheap (just printed on the surface of the plate), and have started de-laminating after only 18 months. Hopefully these will be better quality!

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Re: The 16v.....twenty-twelve

Post by Kitch »

mat_fenwick wrote:I've ordered mine from here:" onclick=";return false;

The last set I bought were very cheap (just printed on the surface of the plate), and have started de-laminating after only 18 months. Hopefully these will be better quality!
That's the ones I got. They're good quality :)
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Re: The 16v.....twenty-twelve

Post by mat_fenwick »

Excellent! Buy nice or buy twice :(

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Re: The 16v.....twenty-twelve

Post by Stinkwheel »

Vanny wrote:It's not a bolt for the compressor, its the bolt for the valver specific idler pulley for the aux belt. The stupid bolt is M8 one side and M10 the other with a spacer/washer of a specific thickness in the middle. Unfortunately because i've only ever had one half of the bolt, i dont know how long the thread should be, whether the thread should be the whole length or not etc

Tried ordering them from Citroen, there are none, anywhere, the parts list doesn't give any length/thread details, there have never been any for sale outside of Citroen, i've never managed to find a scrapper with one, so i'm pretty much stuck. I've looked at alternative arrangements for tensioning the belt, but few give sufficient lap angle over the compressor. I've tried a few 'recommended' alternatives, which haven't worked out.

I'd have thought re manufacturing this a simple task, but without the pattern it's proving rather difficult!

Did you ever get these bolts sorted?

They sound very similar to the ones as used on G's holding the accumulator sphere regulator thingys atop the crossmember in the engine bay. If you happen to have a picture? I believe i have a couple if its the same part.
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