Just make a new loom if you've got one to copy. Most of the difficult connectors can be bought from Pole Volt, the plastic shells of the rest of the connectors can be reused and the TYCO/AMP terminals can still be bought (although they come from Brazil so take a month or so to turn up). After that you just need a 100m roll of green wire
Modern cabling doesn't go black inside either. My understanding is that the BX wiring uses a non PVC plastic and the current in the wires breaks down the plastic, and its that which makes the wires blackened.
That reminds me, i'm nearly out of connectors, need to speak to my friendly TYCO rep and see if he can arrange another shipment.
Old wiring may not have been made with 'oxygen free' copper and as a result tends to get brittle and a bit crumbly as time goes by. Oxygen free copper is standard these days.
PVC is in fact a hard plastic - it's made flexible by 'plasticisers' and in days gone by, and particularly with cheaper cables, they also contribute to the rotting process. Also older wiring may have plasticisers which are based on benzene and / or related and rather nasty chemicals which are somewhat unsafe just sitting there but even worse if they catch fire. Plasticisers, particularly the benzene based ones, tend to evaporate over time add to the brittleness of the wiring.
So new wiring is a damn good idea - any colour other than green even better
Kitch - I'm collecting an eBay purchase on Monday - from an address in PO13 ! I'll drop by - if you're busy I can always go away again
Vanny wrote:Just make a new loom if you've got one to copy. Most of the difficult connectors can be bought from Pole Volt, the plastic shells of the rest of the connectors can be reused and the TYCO/AMP terminals can still be bought (although they come from Brazil so take a month or so to turn up). After that you just need a 100m roll of green wire
Modern cabling doesn't go black inside either. My understanding is that the BX wiring uses a non PVC plastic and the current in the wires breaks down the plastic, and its that which makes the wires blackened.
That reminds me, i'm nearly out of connectors, need to speak to my friendly TYCO rep and see if he can arrange another shipment.
I'm not the sharpest when it comes to electrics, nor do I have much time (as you'll find out!) I'll probably replace sub-sections of loom rather than the whole lot. Some of it is still pretty supple to be fair. I'll tap you up for the suppliers' details though!
One third of a three-spoke BX columnist team for the Citroenian magazine.
I'll have to check the Haynes carb manuals - Ive forgotten what I knew about the carbs but I bought it for the 4x4 I never got around to fixing. The C of DRTC denotes that it is specific to Citroën and it's the original Weber fitted rather than the aftermarket purchased Webers which are more simple and have variable success. I'll check at the weekend to see if it's for the 1905 - pretty sure it is.
Its a 32/34 DRTC 8/100 2B and it's for a Peugeot 305GT 1983 to 1988 1580cc XU5S engine - 66KW
I can see why it's probably 'done the rounds' though - the type number stamped on the bottom rim of the carb hasn't been done properly - there's a big gap before the '34' and the '2' of the 32 is very far off to the left so a quick glance will read 34 DRTC etc and not notice the 2 at all. The '3' of the '32' is missing completely !
And indeed 34 DRTC is for the 1905 (but the 8/100 part of the number doesn't match any of the 1905 carb specs) so both barrels should be 34mm.
Measuring the barrels on the carb I have here one is 34mm but the other is definitely 32mm so it's definitely a 32/34 DRTC.
I shall bring down my copy of Haynes bumper book of Weber carbs. My last pickup (there are 2 now ! !) is around 1pm so I should be at Southways around 2pm.
electrokid wrote:I shall bring down my copy of Haynes bumper book of Weber carbs. My last pickup (there are 2 now ! !) is around 1pm so I should be at Southways around 2pm.
Good to catch up today, even if we did just talk about old Ford engines.
One third of a three-spoke BX columnist team for the Citroenian magazine.
Good to see you in your native habitat and good to see all the projects you have going on at Southways too. There must be some decent ways to sort out the dodgy porting on the 2.8 - next time I chat with the guy I sold the Granada to I'll try to remember to ask - we're both members of the Mk1 and Mk2 Granada Drivers Guild but I'm sure he's better connected than I am.