Dumb Question.

BX Tech talk

Dumb Question.

Post by artic-steel »

I have put a towbar on my BX & am now wiring it, I've found out off the net, white = earth, but were does it go?, does it wire into the harness or can it run it straight to ground on the bodywork?
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Post by Stinkwheel »

Thats a tricky one,

Usually i would just say to any ground you like but................

I recently fitted a towbar to a car when wiring the earth up the fuse blew, then again when replaced and i thought it odd, so left white earth disconnected and tried a trailer board (in fact 2 to be sure) and found it all worked perfectly.

Whats that all about??
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Post by Vanny »

remove near side rear cluster and you'll find a lovely bolt on bolt off earth point, if it's good enough for cit, then its good enough for me!