I recon they have air in them (quite a bit) and it makes sence since i've had the calipers off! Whats the procedure for bleeding them? doe sthe suspension have to be under load at just the back? Do i just need to bleed from the one i took off?
Normally i'd just bleed the lot with the engine running, but having killed one caliper already getting the nipples out im a little dubious!
Fit rear leather head rests - just need collection

strut leak off pipes - NSF doddle
Change Crank pulley - kindo of broke a piece off the replacement for £5, have impact gun so should be easy! can do the following at the same time;
Alternator is dead, no output charge (well only gets upto 12.4v) anyone got a spare for a Xantia TD?
New aux pulley belt and finally gonna put a tensioner on, just figured out how to do it!
Fix NSF electric window
was doing some playing a while ago and now it doesn't work! fuses all fine, other window works fine, so not sure what i've done to it. I was trying to fit one up down to the NSF, it didnt work! any suggestions?