I bought this as a temporary runabout 2 months ago and I'm quite fond of it now. It has less than 79k on the clock and the GTi interior is very clean. Pics below!
Regards, Enda.

Yes great to have another BXer about!Enda wrote: Hi Kieran, nice to know I'm not the only one in Ireland with a BX, I haven't seen one on the road over here for years. When is the rally? I bought the BX to do me while my E30 Touring is getting a diesel conversion but as I mentioned, I'm quite fond of it now so I need to see if I can keep it in the family somehow
If you're fond of it, it would be nice to hold onto it, especially given their rarity! Mine is off the road and stored for most of the year, only emerges in the summer months. Have you had Citroens previously?All Ireland Family Holiday Rally 27 - 29 June 2014
This will be based at Clonmel; a busy town with good shopping, scenic walks, historic buildings, a small motor museum and the famous Rock of Cashel is only 16 km (10 miles) away. Cahir Castle and Swiss Cottage, both interesting buildings, are a similar distance from Clonmel. For those who wish to, a visit to the motor museum can be arranged. Also, a walking tour of the town, covering several aspects and variable length, can be arranged. For energetic people, Sliabh na Mban is there to be climbed!
Research for a scenic convoy drive on the Sunday is currently in hand
An arrangement has been made with the Clonmel Park hotel to hold a number of rooms until June 1st 2014 for our use. Two nights bed and full breakfast and one three course dinner plus tea or coffee (on Saturday evening) in a standard double or twin room will cost €99 per person sharing (£85 at current rates). Single supplement for the two nights is €30 (£25). For those wishing to stay for three nights the cost is €139 pps (£119 pps). Family rooms are also available and there are some concessions for young children. Cancellation is up to 48 hours before arrival time.
To book your accommodation please contact the hotel directly at Int + 353 (0)52 6188700 and ask for Michelle or Rachel mentioning the Citroen Car Club.
E-mail: reservations@clonmelparkhotel.com
The postal address is: Clonmel Park Hotel, Cahir Road, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary
Book early and avoid disappointment! Please contact CCC Organiser: John O’Sullivan as well so he knows who's coming. Details in the Citroenian Magazine.
I'm not active on here but i do lurkI'm not sure how many members from Ireland are active on here
I'm an enthusiast who doesn't currently have a BXhaven't yet met any other Irish BX enthusiast, even at last years CCC rally
@rutter123: Nice save, re. H963AAE! I don't know how many GTi's are over here, I haven't seen them on the road since I was at school, over 20 years ago!kieran.l wrote:Yes great to have another BXer about!Honestly, I can't remember the last time that I've seen one on the roads here, they are very few and far between! I'm not sure how many members from Ireland are active on here and haven't yet met any other Irish BX enthusiast, even at last years CCC rally where I was the only one with a BX!
However, the fact that it was held in the North may have been too far a trip for some. Last year was the first rally I wnr to. Hopefully there will be a few BXs at this years one. It is going to be on in Clonmel from 27-29th June. Its a good chance to meet other Citroen lovers and do a bit of sight seeing!
Hi Roger, my apologies, I hadn't forgotten youkieran.l wrote:I'm not sure how many members from Ireland are active on here and haven't yet met any other Irish BX enthusiast, even at last years CCC rally
How are you keeping? It would be nice to see the Visa at Clonmel but obviously the XM would be more comfortable!RogerPorter wrote: Hope to see you in Clonmel in a ............ decision to made nearer the time!
Enda wrote:This BX was a chance acquaintance, I haven't owned a Citroen before although I've always loved the look of the DS and CX. When I saw the BX on done deal.ie, I jumped at it, especially as it was only 20 minutes away from me in Sligo. It originally came from St. Ives in the UK, judging by the original bill of sale and the sticker on the rear widow
Enda, that was a good chance encounter sorutter123 wrote:View one of my previous posts, gti 8v H963AAE, to see some before/after pics.
I was only joking, but apologies acceptedmy apologies, I hadn't forgotten youWhat I meant was BXers from southern Ireland!
The Visa is surprisingly comfortable tho slower and noisier than the XM, and fuel costs would be comparable. However, the petrol XM would guzzle way too much fuel on that trip so I think it'll stay home.It would be nice to see the Visa at Clonmel but obviously the XM would be more comfortable!
I inquired about the LNA but the cost of driving down to see it would probably have outweighed it's value! Then, despite it's rarity here, there was the cost of storage, transport, repair etc. so it became a non-starter for me.Did you buy the LNA that was on DoneDeal a few months back? I read something in the Citroenian